Salim wrote:
In France at least, you can also credit the MEP + ME IR renewal test towards the SEP renewal requirement.
You mean revalidation, right?
I.e. instead of having to do 12h SEP including 1h with an instructor, you can do 12h SEP and mention the fact you successfully went through MEP + ME IR renewal.
EASA-wide, any class or type rating proficiency check, skill test or assessment of competence in any other class or type of aeroplane replaces the “1 hour refresher training with FI or CRI” for SEP class rating revalidation. FCL.740.A (b)(1)(ii)
Snoopy wrote:
Biennial not biannual
lionel wrote:
I.e. instead of having to do 12h SEP including 1h with an instructor, you can do 12h SEP and mention the fact you successfully went through MEP + ME IR renewal.
MEP + ME or either?
Snoopy wrote:
MEP + ME or either?
The MEP revalidation by itself is certainly enough. It is a “class rating proficiency check”. The ME IR revalidation all by itself without MEP revalidation, I’m not so sure. From reading the regulation exactly, it sounds like not. It is a proficiency check, but not a “class rating proficiency check”. But an initial ME IR exempts you from the SEP refresher training, since it is a “skill test in any other class or type of aeroplane”.
So id I do a proficiency check on a multi engine jet can I credit the IR for the SEP?
Snoopy, we were discussing exemption of the “1 hour refresher training with FI or CRI” for SEP class rating revalidation, not SE IR revalidation. To revalidate a SEP class rating, you need:
So your proficiency check for the type rating of a multi engine jet will exempt you from the 1h refresher training only. It will allow you to revalidate your SEP class rating if you have the 12h total / 6h PIC / 12 take-offs and landings on SEP in the last year.
Thanks for clarification.
How can I have 12 hours in a SEP and only 6 PIC? Is there a Multi Pilot Sep? Commercial IFR perhaps?
Dual with instructor, e.g. to get night rating.
Snoopy wrote:
So id I do a proficiency check on a multi engine jet can I credit the IR for the SEP?
If you do a PC for ME/IR on a multi engine jet it will be credited to your SE/IR (regardless if you have SEP or SET).
I have now received my new license and I can confirm that the ME/IR checkride gives both ME/IR and SE/IR, at least in Sweden.