New statement from the Swedish CAA:
Flygprov för IR/SE
Fram till nu har piloter som flugit upp för en IR/ME, som innehaft behörighet för SEPL, även fått behörighet för IR/SE. Från och med årsskiftet ändras denna tillämpning. För att få en IR/SE krävs det istället ett IR-flygprov på någon klass- eller typbehörighet för enmotorluftfartyg. Detta i enlighet med FCL.620.
Rough translation:
Flight test for IR/SE
Up to now, pilots examined for an IR/ME, which have had a SEPL class rating, have also been granted IR/SE privileges. From the beginning of next year, this application changes. Instead of being granted IR/SE, an IR flight test will be required on any class or type for single-engine aircraft. This is in accordance with FCL.620.
I guess I was lucky
Cool. And congratulations on passing the test.
Lucky everyone who got in before 2019. Saved probably at least 750 euro on not having to do extra skill test.
After reading throught this topic, I gave it a try.
Valid ME/IR to SE/IR together with the ME/IR revalidation.
It didn’t work :D
And now I am chasing a flight school with whom I can arrange the SE/IR exam.
Quite hard to find especially when we consider this requirement is a total nonsense.
Valid ME/IR to SE/IR together with the ME/IR revalidation. It didn’t work.
What didn’t work? You can revalidate MEP, ME/IR and SE/IR in one flight. Actually, the exam is for MEP and ME/IR while SE/IR is credited if you have valid SEP. Whoever told you different is definitely wrong, at least under EASA.
Emir wrote:
Whoever told you different is definitely wrong, at least under EASA.
It does not matter what they tell you, you are good to go and fly SEIR if cross-crediting works
It does not matter what they tell you, you are good to go and fly SEIR if cross-crediting works.
As long as you submitted right paperwork when revalidating because SE/IR must be written in license.
Some examiners don’t sign cross crediting (TMG/SEP, MEIR/SEIR…) but NAA will do it with the right paperwork