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AvGas in Catania LICC

Img 6493

Hello everybody

I am currently parked in Catania LICC and here for another week. There have been posts in the past about buying AvGas from the Aero Club. I am happy to pay cash and wondering if anybody on the forum is a member of the Club or has any contacts there?

I have been down here before and I know the alternatives of Malta, Reggio Calabria and Palermo, but it would be so much easier if I could pick up 100 litres at LICC

PM me or post any ideas. The Aero Club email has historically not responded

Marcel Jurca aircraft

Img 7269

Already started to build a Jurca Mustang Replica. Looking for a volunteer who can draw for free for me parts from PDF files in DWG/DXF in order to continue to cut them on the CNC and assemble them. Many thanks. I had many sponsors who helped for free during this project. If you wish to join, let me know.

ChatGPT discussion, and ChatGPT-generated post examples

Comanche seite Lhe in flight new version Petit prince 2 20200705029300507 Img 0954 24540 100953343273460 3071068 n 12241613 112207992484209 552464377264469275 n Img 7269 Cw 6c6316b6 c67f 4dcf 8eb9 0ddfa9beb018 Logo 60 Ava From votec first solo Mathias 380x380 Hbdwcavtar Snoopy G ahau sml Img 4779 Clipperstorch Fd9f0717 5eef 4c0d 858d 319167b0f398 Angrybird 2 626fc66c618dd91daa134e8f shaping the internet  history of the gif dancing banana Stemme Image 5338039634192457442 Db0df647 d537 4842 9c7d 24ed2387cff1 Pilot

ChatGPT autorouter

It produces routes but none of them are valid. I tried for about 1/2 hour but no matter the constraints I gave it, the routes would use waypoints that either were in another country far off the route, or used airways which go in the wrong direction.

Anyone else have a go at it? I also tried Bing but it was even worse.

Legality of ADS-B being used for purposes other than safety

Hbdwcavtar 20200705029300507 Stemme Lhe in flight new version Photo 2018 01 26 14 17 22

This AOPA article about using ADS-B data to levy fees raises a broader issue.

What is the legality of using ADS-B data generally for purposes other than safety. For example, some airfields are now using it to police pattern compliance in noise-sensitive areas. While ADS-B data is publicly and widely available via tracking services, is there not a data privacy issue when that data is misused for other purposes than that for which it was designed, and in the case of the US even agreed by user organizations? Such misuse would certainly encourage the behaviour that according to @Peter seems common in the UK of (illegally) turning off a transponder.

We bought an early Siai Marchetti SF260

Img 6493 Fd9f0717 5eef 4c0d 858d 319167b0f398 6c6316b6 c67f 4dcf 8eb9 0ddfa9beb018 E78d6ee4 ec10 44c7 9ca5 b2e234b7e092 Cw Head square Photo thumb 1010 Db0df647 d537 4842 9c7d 24ed2387cff1 Io390 Image 626fc66c618dd91daa134e8f shaping the internet  history of the gif dancing banana 20200705029300507 Image Om ipe Phvii 1559483 680065645380170 357406908885464409 o Sepsea Hbdwcavtar 8d034f28 433e 4b5c a77d 464dd58d46f0 Clipperstorch Img 2310 000avatar09

Last weekend we packed a big trailer and drove 2500 km from Norway to Italy to pick up a 1968 SF260, 550 TTSN (last log entry from 86). Disassembled the aircraft, crated the wings and made a cradle for the fuselage. Got everything loaded and drove the 2500km back to Norway this weekend.

This will be a complete “overhaul”. Zero timed engine, prop and components (ie. flap- and gear motor), everything will be stripped primed and painted. New interior. New panel (G500TXi, GTN750 etc.), smoke system.

We just got back, and having travelled through Italy, Austria, Germany and Denmark we are quarantined for 10 days. Will unpack, sort and start the full teardown tomorrow.

More about the history and plans to come. First flight is scheduled for May 1st 2021. Hope you will follow along.

No. But they tried. It was actually a corridor of +/- 150m and it took quite a while to get rid of this…
Apparently there still …

Img 0869
Hangar doors just like garage doors, nearly any size available. This is the type on my hangar in France

There’s also encouraging news on the CB IR exams, too.
Comanche seite

Until you bring an LLM chatbot online that is modded by conspiracy theorists.

I understand that you mean “aircraft as opposed to gliders”.

The quoted CS-STAN is also valid for ELA2 aircraft – I’m only beginning to wrap my head around all these ancronyms, currently my underst…

24540 100953343273460 3071068 n

Ireland does not have a national ID card.
The closest that we have would be a passport card (intended to be used as a passport when travelling within the EU) and a police age verification card whi…


Airfields have done “policing” of this for a long time before ADS-B was available, mostly out of self protection.
As others have said, ADS-B is a two sided sword on this issue. Yes, it can and is …