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I will report back when I get my new license from the CAA. The paperwork was filed a week ago.

AeroPlus wrote:

But if you do MEP(IR) and have just a SEP with no valid instrument rating (or one that expired), then you cannot fly IFR on a SEP unless you first do a profcheck SEP(IR) again. At least, over here in The Netherlands.

I can confirm that the UK CAA do “cross credit” the initial skills test for a ME IR to include privileges for a SE IR, whilst for example the French do not do this, as there is no explicit mention for any such cross credit in PART FCL. It only states the conditions for cross crediting a revalidation, which are as @AeroPlus mentioned further up that both still have to be valid. I just ran into this issue having passed my ME IR in February (on a French licence, so no cross credit whatsoever, not even to change the date of my already existing and valid SE IR). So I had my SE IR running out in July, and ME IR in February. To rectify this, I did a revalidation flight on a MEP in July and now have both IRs in sync, since the ME reval flight gives you cross-credit for the SE IR. Luckily the rule in PART FCL which says that revalidations can only be done at the earliest 3 months before the rating expires seems not to be held up strictly in this case…

What a mess this whole system is, especially when compared to the very logical FAA world where an IR is an IR, and if you can fly a multi engine airplane on instruments, they will also let you do it on a single engine airplane.

Last Edited by Rwy20 at 04 Sep 21:34

AeroPlus wrote:

Yes, if you have SEP(IR) already and are then doing MEP(IR), the SEP(IR) part will be cross-referenced. But if you do MEP(IR) and have just a SEP with no valid instrument rating (or one that expired), then you cannot fly IFR on a SEP unless you first do a profcheck SEP(IR) again. At least, over here in The Netherlands.

Is this also valid when you do your IR abroad (USA-FAA) and need to convert it to EASA? Meaning that when you At least it’s what I heard… I know that in UK might be different…



To clarify terminology: there’s no SEP/IR neither MEP/IR; if we’re talking fixed wing there are SEP(A), MEP(A), SE/IR and ME/IR. And all these can be addede to PPL license.

Getting ME/IR doesn’t grant you SE/IR but after getting both, SE/IR renewal is granted with ME/IR (yearly)proficiency check. MEP renewal proficiency check can be done within the ME/IR check flight while SEP (obviously) has to be done separately in single engine aircraft.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

@Emir: correctly stated.

EDLE, Netherlands

Thanks Emir (Hvala!).
So any multi engine plane needs the ME/IR, and the ME/IR prof check is also good for the SE/IR, correct?
No distinction between piston or jet etc..

I know some colleagues renew their SE/IR when doing their profcheck on airbus/boeing etc… but there are sone requirements as to how many flight hours/legs one needs every year in the SE/IR, I think.

LO__, Austria

Snoopy wrote:

So any multi engine plane needs the ME/IR, and the ME/IR prof check is also good for the SE/IR, correct?


Snoopy wrote:

I know some colleagues renew their SE/IR when doing their profcheck on airbus/boeing etc… but there are sone requirements as to how many flight hours/legs one needs every year in the SE/IR, I think.

I guess ME/IR can be done with type rating proficiency check (in the same way as it can be done with MEP class rating check). SE/IR is credited when ME/IR is done without any condition, I believe because ME/IR check includes OEI approaches.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Thanks again.
So far I did my biannual sep flight and the se/ir once a year. Will look into skipping the se/ir one and doing it via me/ir that I have every 12 months anyhow.

LO__, Austria

In France at least, you can also credit the MEP + ME IR renewal test towards the SEP renewal requirement.

I.e. instead of having to do 12h SEP including 1h with an instructor, you can do 12h SEP and mention the fact you successfully went through MEP + ME IR renewal.

LFPN, LFLI, France

I’ve seen that in both EASA and FAA contexts i.. any checkride revalidates your PPL Class Rating.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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