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Do you want to go down the rabbit holes ready, go:

  • Can you can get BIR in Hungary? which is valid to fly ME & SE and in any case you can BIR test in ATO without course with whatever you have already and with 50h PIC you already have you can crack on with SEIR test right after
  • Another way around, get FAA61.75+IR+SEL+MEL which involve theory test in US and FSDO visit with what you have, then come back to do SEIR exam with an IRE without ATO involvement as you already have 50h PIC

I know, this is all dog breakfast

Last Edited by Ibra at 27 Oct 13:31
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Ibra wrote:

Can you can get BIR in Hungary? which is valid to fly ME & SE and in any case you can BIR test in ATO without course with whatever you have already and with 50h PIC you already have you can crack on with SEIR test right after

That is another great point! If you get a BIR (as you already have the theory done), then you could just pass the BIR test and then straight to CBIR. :)
@Snoopy might be able to help here! :)

EGTR, United Kingdom

Yes, that’s an option.

Curious why

(c) Applicants who have completed a skill test for a multi-engine IR in a single-pilot multi-engine aeroplane for which a class rating is required shall also be issued with a single-engine IR for the single-engine aeroplane class or type ratings that they hold.

isn’t applied?

LO__, Austria

I don’t think you need to do SEIR course and SEIR test in every CR/TR?

Absolutely not.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

isn’t applied?

I believe OP simply didn’t ask for that when initially obtained ME/IR. And now NAA doesn’t want to apply it on ME/IR renewal.

Last Edited by Emir at 27 Oct 15:01
LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Emir wrote:

I believe OP simply didn’t ask for that when initially obtained ME/IR. And now NAA doesn’t want to apply it on ME/IR renewal.

Yes, it has to be asked during initial application (at least in UK, you can’t get initial SEIR on MEIR renewal)

Last Edited by Ibra at 27 Oct 15:19
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Emir wrote:

I believe OP simply didn’t ask for that when initially obtained ME/IR. And now NAA doesn’t want to apply it on ME/IR renewal.

Yes that is exactly what has happened.

LHFM, LHTL, Hungary

Guessing it was more like this?

I believe OP’s ATO simply didn’t ask for that when initially obtained ME/IR. And now NAA doesn’t want to apply it on ME/IR renewal.

LO__, Austria

Just to stir the pot… @Dimme ’s info from 2018 has changed again in about 2020. The Swedish authority saw the light and began issuing SEIR with your MEIR if you have a valid SEP.


To continue the story.
I went for a competency based modular SE-IR course, with 10 hours of IR flying. I passed the exam for SE IR successfully. Submitted all documents.
Today I have received notification that the authority rejected my application for SE-IR, claiming that the ATO is not authorized to perform competency based SEIR training.

You can imagine how furious I am. Maybe it would be simpler to sell my TB-20 and buy a multi engine IR plane so I could fly IR legally.
Or I just shouldn’t give a damn and fly IR.

LHFM, LHTL, Hungary
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