I’ve got the answer. The NAA insist that I have to have a SE IR training first.
I’ve got a valid ME/IR and a SE plane IR certified which I can not fly IR. This is damn ridiculous and quite saddening at the same time.
So I need to do a 40 -hours training and a skill test when I have had already a 45 hour training that included everything already.
I don’t know what to do but I don’t have neither the money nor the time to throw away for this especially that it makes no sense whatsoever from skill or safety point of view.
I need to calm down, but I had such toughts like that I will hire a lawyer, do the training, pass the test and ALL expenses I will claim from the NAA on court. Including my time which is going to be pretty expensive.
Or what happens if I just fly IR? I do have a rating.
Or is there any way to obtain SE/Ir from an other NAA?
How long ago did you do the MEIR?
Could you contact the school that you trained with to see if they can help?
Perhaps that training was also part of their SE IR course So as far as the school is concerned you HAVE done the SEIR course as well as the MEIR course and all that is left on the SE element is to complete the skills test.
In other worse the NAA is telling you that you need to do a SE IR course to get a SEIR. That’s obvious. You’re interpreting that as you need to do new SE IR course. But another way of looking at that might be that you simply have to provide the NAA evidence of having done the training (which you already have done) and a copy of your log book showing that training and now apply for the skills test with whatever appropriate form is needed.
I don’t think there is anything saying that the same training hours don’t count for both. Though there might be a time limit.
robirdus wrote:
Or is there any way to obtain SE/Ir from an other NAA?
It might be possible to transfer to another NAA and do the conversion. I heard Austro are OK.
dublinpilot wrote:
In other worse the NAA is telling you that you need to do a SE IR course to get a SEIR. That’s obvious. You’re interpreting that as you need to do new SE IR course. But another way of looking at that might be that you simply have to provide the NAA evidence of having done the training (which you already have done) and a copy of your log book showing that training and now apply for the skills test with whatever appropriate form is needed.
I don’t think there is anything saying that the same training hours don’t count for both. Though there might be a time limit.
That is actually a very good point – try talking to an ATO, they might just do an assessment, an hour or two of (refresher) training and then a skills test.
The CBIR is competence based. An ATO should be able to assess that from your log books and ex ATO dossier if needed.
With what seems to be your experience, the maximum number of hours you could expect is 10 hrs before skill test.
It could be a lot less if you already have the difference training, PBN etc.
Once the ATO has assessed what they think you need. And this should be done consulting you. The ATO should then put forward an agreed training programme to the NAA. It is very rare that the NAA will not accept that training programme from a reckongnised ATO.
Going back to the ATO where you did your MEIR (especially if it wasn’t long ago) to have a chat with their head of training about it would definitely by my first course of action. The paperwork will still hopefully be with them for your MEIR training and hopefully they will just re-submit the same for you SEIR “course”.
“Applicants shall have received instruction on the same class or type of aircraft to be used in the
test which shall be appropriately equipped for the training and testing purposes”
This might be a problem.
For the practical training I saw somewhere the 36 months limit, but I cant find. That should be OK if true as my training was in 2020.
That is not true, the SPA-SEIR covers single pilot IFR operations in all single engine: class ratings CR like SEP, SET and type ratings TR like SF50, TBM, PA46T…there are some caveats about HPA/CBIR, difference trainings and class/type exams
I don’t think you need to do SEIR course and SEIR test in every CR/TR?
The problem is that I have completed the flight training in a ME plane and ME FNPT, which is a different class.
gallois wrote:
The CBIR is competence based.
I have found this in the easy access rules:
“Aa. IR — Competency-based modular flying training course
When the applicant has:
(A) completed instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI
holding the privilege to provide training for the IR; or
(B) prior experience of instrument flight time as PIC on aeroplanes, under a
rating providing the privileges to fly under IFR and in IMC,
these hours may be credited towards the 40 hours above up to maximum of 30
(ii) When the applicant has prior instrument flight time under instruction other than
specified in point (a)(i), these hours may be credited towards the required 40 hours
up to a maximum of 15 hours.
(iii) In any case, the flying training shall include at least 10 hours of instrument flight
time under instruction in an aeroplane at an ATO.
(iv) The total amount of dual instrument instruction shall not be less than 25 hours”
I have in my logbook 17 hours of IFR time. But I had those 45 or 50 hours instrument instruction – with FNPT II device that was needed to obtain the ME/IR.
Then theoretically the maximum 30 hours can be considered. Hence at worst I need to complete: “(iii) In any case, the flying training shall include at least 10 hours of instrument flight
time under instruction in an aeroplane at an ATO.”