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I use it every time I fly. Apart from the GFS, the new ECMWF and the NEMS4km, it has the 5d MeteoBlue forecasts which windwise appear to be the most accurate when I have used them, even for three days ahead.

LGMT (Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece), Greece

I have used windyty more and more lately, and the ECMWF option has been pretty good.

On the last long flight, LDSB-EGKA, it was spot on, within a few kt, all the way.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
Son Alberti LEJF, Son Bonet LESB, Mallorca, Spain

Yes; I saw they have for some time been redirecting windyty to windytv

They latest “test only” URL is here but I can’t see what is obviously different about it, other than the slider on the RHS for the altitude, and some other details. Has the data itself changed?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

This looks amazing:

What sort of weather would one expect to see in the region of the shear?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’m sure most of us use it as THE website site for weather forecasts, or as part of few on which we base our decisions upon, but how do you exactly use it? Which layers do you use as far as, weather model, layer, etc?? It has so many layers and options that I’m curious to know what you prefer using it and how you’ve found them to be reliable or not.

I’m a VFR pilot and i do really appreciate the cloud base layer, visibility and generally the low clouds display. Other sites show coulds over a certain area, and then maybe it was referring to an overcast at 8000ft, totally a no factor for my VFR Flying.

I see they’ve added also the rain radar, but for some reason I can get it to work neither on the website nor on the app. Have you been able to use it so far?

Curious to read the different replies for the different type of Flying you do.

LILC, Italy

Mostly IFR trips.

I mostly look at coud base / visibility / cloud tops (if non non deiced)
Then at
CAPE index,
Surface winds (to check within reasonable limits)
Winds at altitude to have an idea for flight optimization.

I use it mostly to get high winds for the next few days. I check rainfall to see thunderstorms, CAPE not too useful for me so far. Also look a little at tops and used cloud base once when going to a VFR airport. Checking water temperature when flying over oceans ;-)

LPFR, Poland

I use windy a lot. Like you turillo I’m VFR so I use
Cloud base
Precipitations, sometimes unconsistent with cloud base
Pressure to see the highs and lows moving
Winds to see fronts

I see the cloud base forecast as optimistic so I take a big margin. Blue means very marginal to me, day circuits or very local flights only.

I guess IFR pilots use more the temps and cloud tops forecast.

LFOU, France

What about the radar feature? Anyone been able to use it? i know there are other sites that offer it, but having it integrated in windy would be a big plus.

Nice idea checking the water temperatures loco, never thought about that, normally i just check the water temperature of my rotax. :)

LILC, Italy
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