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Help UK to Montenegro (Tivat) and return hopefully!

Hi Jujupilote,
Thanks I understand I think so just file a flightplan, the C150 has as I may have already stated a zero timed engine with maybe 100 or so hrs! and it doesn’t know its over water or land!! the water doesn’t really worry me its interesting to see the different shipping etc I am told that one can get disorientated and descend if the horizon goes and merges into the sea, if one doesn’t keep an eye on your instruments. I appreciate very much all the comments and help everybody is giving me what a great forum!!! Excellent for low hours people like me who want to go further but need a little more information/confidence.


EGSJ, United Kingdom

Basically, just like between UK and France, but other countries do not have the GAR, so you must use customs airports on both sides of the schengen border.

You are probably among the very few willing to cross large waters in a 150 !
That said, it is pointless to plan too precisely your trip from now, VFR you will never take the planned route. Plan several and be flexible. But the Croatian coast is a must. The inland route can be fun too, via Beograd or even Budapest !

LFOU, France

Thank you so much for the advice and links, Peter has quite a few so I have some reading to do there, yes I speak little French but can speak Khmer! but not so much call for that. In discussion it has been suggested to me that flying over the water legs will not be very interesting and noting Peters point about the Adriatic I should like to include that. May I ask how does going from Schengen to non Schengen work is it land at an appropriate Italian airfield do customs and file the flight plan for the next destination and so on, and the reverse to enter Italy i.e like UK to France. This is all going to be another quantum leap in my experience like the first time to France!!


EGSJ, United Kingdom

A C150 has a practical range (allowing for alternates, in the part of Europe where avgas is widely available) of something like 300nm, so this will be a number of legs.

I should do about 8000ft so crossing the Alps in the right place should work and will be highly scenic, but you need really good weather to do this. Any kind of cloud cover over the Alps and you can’t do it (unless you are really clever in the planning and know how to get the mountain weather reports etc).

The Adriatic is hugely scenic. It is like flying in a wonderland. Hundreds of little islands as far as the eye can see. It’s going to be an amazing trip. And you have avgas all the way down: Portoroz, Pula, Mali Losinj, Zadar, Brac, Dubrovnik… all super easy welcoming airports.

I have some trip reports here.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Ah, so you want to see Corsica

As I assume you don’t speak French, I would say :
- LFSD Dijon Longvic : ex air base, Indian restaurant on site, AFIS and fuel via credit card
- LFMQ Le Castellet : a bit posh, but a nearby hotel/restaurant can pick you up at the terminal, AFIS and fuel

In Corsica, Calvi looks easier than Bastia but others have more feedback.

For the way back, I would recommend taking a different route, like the whole Croatian coast, Portoroz (cheap fuel), Austria. In eastern France, Colmar LFGA is a nice destination and a practical stop.

LFOU, France

Hi Jujupilote,
Thanks for the reply, its a just a jolly so expect a total duration of about 2 weeks, not as fast and cheap as possible, obviously to increase my experience and confidence and have an enjoyable time. I was thinking a route avoiding mountains as I have no experience of these, so Calais and do the formalities as well as top up with fuel. Then towards Chalons and south towards Dijon. After that toward Nice but landing in Corsica, then across to possibly Pescara for customs as leaving Schengen and either to Dubrovnik for fuel and onto Tivat or via Dubrovnik for fuel on the return leg. However I haven’t checked all this through thoroughly at all yet and need to take on board all the community are helping me with … so much appreciated!


EGSJ, United Kingdom

Welcome Mike !

I would rather plan for the Brenner if I were you. And my plan B would be the east of the alps, in the Vienna area.

What kind of trip is it ? Do you want to enjoy some places on the way, or just go there as quickly and cheap as possible ?

LFOU, France

Brilliant! thanks very much for the info so far!!! I am flying 2 up but we don’t weigh very much (companion also PPL holder and has a house there!) and its a zero timed engine with about 120hrs on it! I will take on board all info, I thought Dubrovnik might be a stop over for fuelling so not on Saturday tip is invaluable, but I can run on Mogas! just dragging a load of fuel cans to Tivat airfield is not my idea of fun! I’m not worried about taking a longer route as would sooner be safe than a statistic! If I do make it then rest assured I will post the trip with my tips, as others may then feel inclined to do more than a couple of days around France from the UK.


EGSJ, United Kingdom

I have always wanted to visit Tivat. Let us know how it goes.

EGTK Oxford

You could also fly east through Germany and then cross the Alps in the eastern part of Austria. The cumulugranitus isn’t very high there and a C150 will do that route easily.

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