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Vans have made a big boo-boo: laser cut holes

gallois wrote:

The court of public opinion

Could some native English speaker explain what this “court” actually is. I find it hard to grasp. Is it a phenomenon that just happens (by wishful thinking??) , or is it created by people. What exactly is it?

The elephant is the circulation
ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

LeSving wrote:

Anyway, in 5-10 years, no one remembers this, unless of course, “the public court” makes people remember, which I personally think is highly unlikely

Unless of course 5-10 years from now people are flying planes with laser cut parts that have hardly noticeable cracks at nearly every hole, like we have all seen from photos and YouTube videos.

God forbid this tragedy doesn’t rears its head again in that manner. Even if Van’s says don’t fly with any laser cut parts, inevitably there will be people who don’t take this seriously. This has the potential to add extra scrutiny to the entire home built community not just Van’s.

Last Edited by RV8Bob at 25 Jul 13:05
United States

So most likely the rivets will start to smoke before a complete failure. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

If Van’s believes that laser cut parts are equal or superior to punched parts I have a message for them. Don’t switch back to punched parts. Once again they know this is only throwing a relatively small group under the bus.

United States

The “court” is just an English phrase.

In reality, in GA, people are so cautious and suspicious that this won’t change a lot – except as I said earlier the new RVs will get much closer prebuy checks. But not even that; you can put anything for sale and for every clued-up buyer there will be 1-2 clueless ones who will just buy anything.

The way business psychology works is that a customer who has had a problem and had it promptly fixed will be more loyal than a customer who never had a problem. But that will not work usefully in this case because

  • most builders only ever tried building one plane (and a lot of them abandoned even that) so are deprived of any opportunity to express the said “loyalty” via repeat purchases
  • some large % of the GA community (both certified and homebuilt) operate “outside the system” and will never find out; many are not even on the internet… look at how many EASA Part M maint shops “forgot” about the Lyco crankshaft AD, leaving the owner with a ~45k Lyco reman engine deal as the least expensive option
Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

you can put anything for sale and for every clued-up buyer there will be 1-2 clueless ones who will just buy anything.

Maybe that will be the best we can hope for. Anyone want to buy a nearly completed -8. @LeSving?

United States

For those interested, here’s a vid that has just been uploaded, of “What’s Happening at Van’s Aircraft” forum which took place at today’s AirVenture. Quite interesting contents, though unfortunately filmed for those people having one eye located above the other, iso of the horizontal eye location, next to each other, more commonly found in the human species.

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Dan wrote:

here’s a vid that has just been uploaded

Really interesting. They are (and have been) going surprisingly deep into it. Even punching up to final size was duly tested before it went into production some time ago. Laser cut holes (when done correctly) are in general better than punched holes. With the loading Van’s use on the rivets, they will both outlast the plane by several orders of magnitude, so better/worse is purely of academic interest.

The issue, as I understand it, are only those holes that are not cut correctly (by the laser).

The elephant is the circulation

LeSving wrote:

Really interesting. They are (and have been) going surprisingly deep into it. Even punching up to final size was duly tested before it went into production some time ago. Laser cut holes (when done correctly) are in general better than punched holes. With the loading Van’s use on the rivets, they will both outlast the plane by several orders of magnitude, so better/worse is purely of academic interest.

The issue, as I understand it, are only those holes that are not cut correctly (by the laser).

Isn’t it kind of funny that a single video published on YouTube can swing people’s opinion 180 degrees?
@LeSving how do you know the video is real, not an AI generated deep fake posted by some undercover Vans secret agent?

After all we have several posters here who know better what a dangerous mess this is


Has that video swung people’s opinion 180°?
Is there evidence of that?

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