The edge of my fuel tank filler holes are continually getting destroyed by fuel men banging the filler nozzle against the edge of it.
So I am getting some of these made, in 2mm polycarbonate, self adhesive with a top grade 3M adhesive
For the TB20, the ID is 100mm and I chose the OD as 140mm.
Is anyone interested in doing a group buy? They are not cheap – cost me over £10, plus VAT, laser cut, 10-off.
Unless there is demand for a different size, this is relevant to the later-model (non locking) Socata TB filler caps).
The rubber mat approach works only if the mat stays exactly in place, which means you have to watch the guy doing the filling very carefully.
There seems to be a requirement for decals informing about the usable fuel specifications at some airports, e. g.
But obviously you can get them at Lydd Airport for 1,80 GBP each
Yes, I think everyone has the fuel type stickers, somewhere near the filler hole.
One issue is that even if such stickers were around the hole, they are far too thin to provide protection from a 150kg fueller manipulating a 10kg filling pipe
So I am making mine out of 2mm material, 3M467 adhesive. The adhesive will be visible through the transparent material; not sure yet what colour it will be. Probably relatively clear, looking at some other labels.
If anybody wants them, GBP 15 each. Not cheap, and would be a lot cheaper in volume.
Printing “100LL” is of course possible, at extra cost, and then you have 2 options:
I will update here when I have them and have stuck them on.
Funny is, that “If the aircraft does not display the appropriate Decal our Ground Operations Team will be unable to carry out your refuel request”. So if you buy the decal “Jet A 1 only” and stick them on your Avgas TB 20, the fueller will happily refuel with JET A 1 and refuse to do so when you only ask him for Avgas
I am surprised nobody pointed out that a 2mm ridge on the wing alters the airflow characteristics and requires design approval and major mod, as well as an engineer to install it…
Don’t your fuellers normally have those rubber mats? I find they almost always do. Peter, do you run the risk of yours degrading due to UV? Will you be able to take them off the replace if they do?
I think Jason you must fill at a higher class of airport, because I have almost never seen such mats in use. Maybe twice a year. The man at Pamplona used one. And not where I am based. And carrying them is not ideal because of the smell of fuel inside the plane afterwards.
Regards the material, originally it was to be PET G which I have just discovered is plain old Perspex, which is brittle, so I am changing it to polycarbonate, which is really tough (helmet visors) and UV resistant. This isn’t like a normal sticker; it should last for years. Having said that, I have just gone around the edges of the holes, fixed any damage / corrosion, and primed it with 2-pack epoxy primer. No good sticking this on top of corrosion, obviously.
They will come off but will possibly take the paint with them… especially Socata paint which you can peel off with a fingernail, after the high-tech (probably €1M) paint shop man had a particularly good bottle of wine
Given the material, I would print any “stickers” on the back, there should be no risk of it coming loose at all.
Not all Polycarbonates are UV resistant, worth checking.
I got 10 of them made, laser cut from 1mm polycarbonate
Not a success visually, because the paint around the filler cap was uneven (due to having been cleaned off and painted a few times) so the very thin glue didn’t stick except at some spots.
Water also gets underneath, so you need very good undamaged paint underneath. Otherwise corrosion will happen.
I have made a Mk II version with 1.5mm adhesive rubber underneath, which works better but still needs undamaged paint.