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ForeFlight (merged thread)

Happy to monitor @gallois. Sometimes I don’t catch everything, but between John, Wolfgang, and myself we try to keep an eye out!

ForeFlight - Head of International Gr...
KGTU, United States

when forumites don’t get what they want quick enough

Waiting for some essential routing improvements for 3 years… I would characterize that as pretty patient. Maybe you should start using FF yourself and then evaluate whether you’re getting expected functionalities quick enough

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

I am not arguing whether or not users are or are not frustrated about the time taken to get something done. I am just commenting the IMO Josh is brave to come on here and take the flack for certain things that are outside his control.
The fact that FF is monitoring and is conversing is to me a positive point in favour of my shifting to FF at some stage in the future.
Many others may be monitoring but don’t stick their heads above the parapet so we don’t know if suggestions are even being discussed.
Without Euroga and Josh’s involvement I would never have known that FF had moved into Europe or what it’s capabilities are or are not
You have to remember that probably some 90% of French pilots either do not use EFBs or rely on apps available at zero cost.It is only when we want to travel further afield, internationally, that we will subscribe to the likes of FF, Skydemon, Garmin etc.


I am just commenting the IMO Josh is brave to come on here and take the flack for certain things that are outside his control.

I agree that FF’s joining EuroGA is useful but I didn’t notice somebody attacking Josh or expressing some impatient expectations.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Tested FF over 2 flights yesterday, primarily for its ability to stop you getting busted in the UK VFR scene, which is an absolutely key consideration

I ran a comparison of SD, a generic app running the 1:500k CAA chart, and FF

Could not find a way to get it to show glider sites (Ringmer here)

It certainly did the job correctly in that no CAS was missing.

There is stuff which is confusing in the profile view (the profile view is very important for CAS avoidance because – unlike the plan view – it shows CAS clearly) where it shows stuff which is not actually CAS. And as mentioned before, the profile view sometimes takes a long time to [re]generate.

The automatic transition to the airport diagram and the aircraft position on it works fine

The track log feature works well although surprisingly the log interval is not configurable. One cannot access the logs from outside the Ipad but they can be transferred from within FF, either by sending them to some other app (telegram is very handy for transferring stuff out of an Ipad), or via the FF “Cloud” which is then accessible from a PC running the FF Web version. I don’t think there is a way to auto sync FF logs so they get copied at say 3am to a PC directory, or even dropbox. On Android you can auto sync more or less anything.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’ve been using FF for a couple of years, VFR, and it’s a great app. Due to pressure from one of my flying mentors, I’m going to use SD this year, and see how it goes. Some things that I’ve seen so far that are different between the two, are:

  1. Easier to get frequencies in SD
  2. Profile view in SD can have multiple altitudes
  3. GUIs are different, and I currently prefer FF, but that might be the “baby duck syndrome”
  4. Had to buy a Skyecho 2 since my Sentry-mini is “locked” to FF and they don’t publish the interface :(
  5. SD printout of the navlog is very helpful – particularly for the frequencies – I had to do this manually with FF or get one my SD friends to do it for me
  6. SD seems to be less expensive, particularly with the recent price increase of FF – but this is honestly not a big deal, about a tank of fuel a year
  7. SD gives a lot more verbal warnings about airspace, and who to talk to – this is really helpful with the crowded VFR airspace we have over here
  8. FF flight plans are very easy to do – so far I like them much better than SD, but could also be a GUI transition issue

The ipad has a split screen which is cool – I can run both apps at the same time. I’ll keep doing this until my FF subscription runs out, then be full SD for a year.

We’re very lucky to have a lot of competition in this space – I hope it continues!

Fly more.
LSGY, Switzerland

Did anyone watch the webinar today 1700Z? I made a note but forgot…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Wanted, but finally went out for dinner in Antibes with wife. I think you cam watch it 2 or 3 days after on their website.

LFMD, France

The recording is (will be) accessible.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Sadly I missed it – it was timed to be mid-commute for me but I am looking forward to the recording.

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands
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