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Your 2022 flying year, how many hours, and aspirations for 2023?

I’m surprised nobody opened this thread yet

So let’s start. For me again it was quite good year having in mind that I spent some time on sea side and some time abroad no flying. In total I flew 152 hours in 2022 which is a bit more than 2021 (135 flight hours). The plans for 2023 is to do a bit more, having in mind Croatia joining Schengen and getting direct access to many fields in Italy, France, Germany, Hungary etc. that I haven’t visited because of the hassle with mandatory visiting international airport when entering country.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

thanks for that @Emir

Well, I’m not gonna complain about 2022
I flew a little bit more than 450 hours, not quite reaching that secret 500h target (…). 99% of those hours were flown on my ship, during different trips to fly-ins, or fly-outs. And of course I was able to finally realise that long dream of the SEP NAT, and back, see YLL on Tour…

2023 goals are to fly more on the different airplanes I have access to (already logged 1:11 on a superb RV-14 day before yesterday), but being realistic I won’t approach the 2022 totals… again aiming to visit most national homebuilt fly-ins, probably some impromptu trips with friends, and maybe another visit to Croatia when they are in Schengen.
And of course, I will try to attend all of the EuroGA fly-ins

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Had a fairly average year on about 150 flight hours, but more than doubled the distance flown, due to partly using a much faster bird.

Plan to do much more this year (have to burn the money made last year).


Well, 2022 as before: nothing. Well, ok, I was on board for the test flight after the repair of my airplane. Since then, no time whatsoever.

2023: Get my SEP back ASAP (first the medical and I have a date for that now) and then my personal goal is to fly at least once a month. That is not much, granted, but it would be a starting point to get back into routine.

I got lots of places I would like to go to nearby by plane and will see how many I can manage. As this year is the last one out of LSZH (as they outprice based GA from 2024) I want to make the most of it.

If things do not go as planned and I see that time constraints once again stop me from doing things, the aircraft will go for sale this spring.

Last Edited by Mooney_Driver at 03 Jan 11:37
LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

60h in 2022 so far, less than 2020/2021 where GA was the main tool to skip CV19 hassle during regular commutes UK-France, life got a bit in the way with work and two babies: no more tailwheel, aerobatics, gliding, instructing, aeroclub…

You know the story: the two happiest days of an airplane owner’s life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it, I was twice happy early this year when I finally sold my 1/5 of Mooney in UK and bought 1/2 of Mooney in France

2023: Corsica-Croatia with family, Iceland in June and EDNY in April with friends

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Thanks to this thread I noticed that I forgot to update my digital logbook (= excel sheet) in 2022.

1h 41min total in 2022.

First half of 2022 started badly with basically all of the aircraft of the school I only transfered to in 2021 being grounded for technical reasons. I finally got signed off on their C172 in September, then made a short solo flight with that aircraft in October. That was it. Pretty pathetic and far short of my goals.

2023 will see a major change in my private life. I will switch to a new hospital and become a senior physician (“Oberarzt”) there. This should coincide with better planable work hours, but that’s no guarantee. Like @Mooney_Driver I hope to fly at least once a month. My SEP will need renewal in July, so the minimum goal is to renew that. i did the last two renewals through a flight review with an FE instead of by experience, so I’m not worried about the lack of hours per se, but renewing by experience for once would be a nice change…

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

30.3 hours last year. The year started out well, but after losing my plane in May I kind of lost heart – I didn’t fly at all in June and July. Then I had to get my French PPL which got complicated too, though finally in November it did work out (no thanks to the Aeroclub de Dax).

If things go to plan I will have my own plane again soon, though I still get bouts of cold feet about it. Goals for this year, get all my instrument currency and ratings sorted so I can “fly to go somewhere”. And then do some flying to go places.

LFMD, France

And of course I was able to finally realise that long dream of the SEP NAT, and back, see YLL on Tour…

Once again I have to say what a tour!

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Flew around 40 hours last year which was slightly down on previous years but am hoping to make up for it in 2023 by flying my new steed a bit more often and also further. If I can train my body for 5 – 6 hour legs, my goal would be to fly it across to Oshkosh. Let’s see how the flying goes in the first two quarters….

EDL*, Germany

68h, my lowest since 2008, but I only got my engine back mid July so not bad! Some lovely trips too, especially going back to Venice post pandemic

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