Just the usual thread
Happy new year !
Yay time to brag
Looking at the previous thread I wrote this:
“For 2020 my goal is to get some IR hours in the air on my own, and do some IR trips, but that requires access to a proper aircraft capable of proper IR navigation. I will also slow down my commercial flying job hunting, as the market is completely dead unless you have thousands of hours. Better to focus on enjoying flying instead!”
I got max 2 IR hours on my own, one enroute IR trip, and the aircraft wasn’t that capable (VOR navigation). I got a job offer back in February, thanks to @Snoopy who made me aware of the advertisement, but then the thing happened and the job went away.
44 total airborne hours for 2020, not to bad considering what has been going on.
For 2021 I will try to finish my FI rating, I’m 1/3 of the way there. And try to stay alive
Happy new year.
Looking at the logbook I’ve got about 53 hours, way down on where I wanted to be but I think reasonable given the restrictions on getting around.
Happy new year!
56 hours for logbook, + about 15 spent as pilot not flying. Overall OK, taken into account that the plane is in maintenance since early september.. Actually not a bad year- tought my son to land during first covid wave and managed a very nice trip to Nordkapp . For 2021 I try to make 2 decent trips.
Happy new year !
100h this year, 80h as suddenly GA become the main way of transport to see family & work while the rest was just fun when lockdown is relaxed, besides 30min of gliding in the whole year, not much instruction, such a shame !
Hopefully more flying in 2021 and a chance to visit Northern Europe
Happy new year.
About 95h this year. The coolest being the “formation” flying at May 17 over the local area. For 2021, more aerobatics flying and more “bush light”.
Exactly 133h total, 68 of which were as FI. By far the lowest number in the last decade but I guess I‘m not alone with this But there were good things as well: finally got my tail dragger endorsement, I can fly a Cub now
Probably like everybody here I really do hope it‘ll get better in 2021, so happy new year to all!
After being made redundant a couple of years ago and starting an apprenticeship, I have unfortunately not flown in over two years. I got some gliding time this year but powered flying was zero.
Fortunately I’ve managed to save some money so the plan is to revalidate my SEP as soon as possible and get back in the air properly this year. I would like to set an achievable goal of 20 hours for 2021, hopefully more! Fingers crossed the club doesn’t find a buyer for the affordable DA20 they’re selling
Not enough, only 68, sold the company and my plan was to fly a lot… then the ministry of no-fun imposed all of these lockdowns. If I do come out of retirement planning on buying a Baron 58 and use that for my travels in 2021 so hopefully back to even more flying.
Jujupilote wrote:
Only 29 hours this year because of less time and money dedicated to flying, and less perfect weather than 2018.
The biggest joy by far this year is to have met a girl who enjoys flying visiting places by plane.No overnight trips this year :( but 3 day trips and 2 dinner trips. Took 9 non-pilots flying.
I was able to compensate with a few trips that I took as copilot. A lot of fun (Ouessant and Flying legends), despite no time logged.I bet too much on one big trip (the Venice fly-in). Next year, I will plan more smaller trips, to mitigate weather cancellations.
My objectives for 2020 are :
- 30 hours total
- 2-3 overnight trips would be nice
- continue to enjoy a little night VFR
- continue show GA to new people
- if possible, start some tailwheel training
Only 18h39 minutes this year.
We did manage 2 overnight trips (Paray le Monial and Quiberon). They were really nice and not too far.
At last, I subscribed to a new club dedicated to tailwheels, so hopefully an endorsement is a reasonable objective for 2021. But for now the runway is mud
This club does its own maintenance, so I hope to learn some skills along the way.