Here is their response to my fee question.
Dear Eugene,
Here is cost calculation for requested flight N6589M / C210 MTOW 1,745 t.:
- Landing: ( MTOW 2,0 t * EUR 9,40 ) = EUR 18,80
- Handling: EUR 17,00
- Parking fee: ( EUR 3,30 * 2,0t * 3 days ) = EUR 19,80
Passengers service charge for departing passengers:
- International passengers service charge: EUR 11,00 * 3 pax = EUR 33,00
- Centralized infrastructure Ramp handling: EUR 1,00 * 3 pax = EUR 3,00
- Security charges: EUR 5,00 * 3 pax = EUR 15,00
- Passengers with reduced mobility/ PRM: EUR 0,25 * 3 pax = EUR 0,75
- Croatian Civil Aviation Agency Tax: EUR 1,37 * 3 pax = EUR 4,11
Total = EUR 111,46 ( The above prices are VAT less )
- Your flight will be conducted as private flight, so you have to pay:
VAT( 25 %) = EUR 27,86
- Total for all charges = EUR 139,32
Hope you will find this informations helpful.
So for future reference you can use these numbers to calculate what things cost. I like how they and the Hungarians tax, tax on tax. Any way for the state to get more money.
C210_Flyer wrote:
So for future reference you can use these numbers to calculate what things cost. I like how they and the Hungarians tax, tax on tax. Any way for the state to get more money.
It isn’t “any way for the state to get more money”. It’s because of the VAT system which is used throughout Europe and works differently from the “sales tax” system you have in the US. The idea with VAT is should be paid only by the end consumer — not by companies — and should be difficult to evade.
So VAT is basically due on every transaction, but a VAT registered company will be reimbursed for the VAT it pays (in principle, technically it is a bit simpler). If specific taxes like the Croatian CAA tax was not subject to VAT, then companies would be at a relative disadvantage compared to consumers and also the taxation system would be even more complex.
Thanks for the education. By the way sales tax in the US is about as difficult evade as VAT here in Europe. They just dont give you a bill.
Im going to be flying from Hungary (EU and Schengen) to Croatia (EU and Not schengen). There is a VAT on the fuel that adds up and I understand that it can be recaptured. That is what happened when I left Wick Scotland for France. Any idea how it is done. The guys at Wick offered the opportunity for me to request reimbursement. Which I got and it was a nice chunk of change. However last time I was in Croatia they did not offer it to me. How do I go about getting the VAT back for the fuel?
There are some scenarios where you can get VAT free fuel. Several airports in the UK will do that if you are departing to a non-UK destination.
Historically, many airports around Europe would sell you VAT-free (and in some cases duty-free, which was a massive discount) fuel if you told them you were a “commercial” flight. An AIR BP card with a company name would be quite usefulf for that, as would shouting “commercial” 3 times in a John Cleese accent But AFAIK all this has stopped unless you can show them an AOC. In the UK, at light GA level, the AOC discount is implemented by a reclaim, not at the pump.
I believe Belgrade LYBE is doing VAT- and duty-free fuel to everybody, hence their amazingly low price.
Claiming back VAT if you are a VAT registered individual or company is a completely different scenario and any such body can do that. Whether your VAT inspector allows it is another matter… in the UK you can do it only on business flights (in general terms).
Peter the word business and commercial is weaved throughout your reply. Can I get my VAT back if I am leaving a non schengen country and going back to the Schengen?
If not, then you really know what is killing aviation in Europe.
By the way in the US if you are commercial then you pay more here in Europe its ass backwards.
Schengen is nothing to do with VAT.
The rules on reclaiming (or not paying) VAT upon export are complicated. We did this here before, several times. Only some UK airports offer this option, and I don’t know why it is just those.
C210_Flyer wrote:
Peter the word business and commercial is weaved throughout your reply. Can I get my VAT back if I am leaving a non schengen country and going back to the Schengen?
Schengen is about immigration, not customs, so it is not relevant for VAT.
In principle, you can reclaim VAT if either you are VAT registered in the EU or is exporting the goods (e.g. AVGAS) out of the EU.
Reclaiming VAT on export is not always possible in practise.
As a private individual you are paying VAT. If you buy anything for personal use, be it fuel or chewing gum, you will pay it unless you leave the EU.
This has nothing to do with Schengen. It’s about all countries that participate in EU VAT.
As a company the accountants will take of it. As a person you just pay it on everything you consume.
C210_Flyer wrote:
If not, then you really know what is killing aviation in Europe.
??? Value added tax in one form or another has been around for almost a century, almost as long as powered flight. So far, it has killed nothing.
Airborne_Again wrote:
In principle, you can reclaim VAT if either you are VAT registered in the EU or is exporting the goods (e.g. AVGAS) out of the EU.Reclaiming VAT on export is not always possible in practise
So I’ve noticed
I’m currently trying to reclaim VAT on aircraft windscreen transparencies exported to the US. Wish me luck, it’s seemingly near impossible despite having customs export certification. Any advice would be welcome. As the friendly German customs man said while stamping my papers “somehow it’s very easy to pay tax and very hard to get it back”.
Happily I paid no state sales tax and no import duty as I declared my parts and hand carried my huge box through US customs. Civil aircraft parts are exempt, and there’s no need to pay and reclaim. It’s good to be home.
The really stupid thing about VAT is that it’s also collected on labor (unlike sales tax, in general) and therefore puts a tremendous collection burden on those starting small, initially fragile service businesses. That, plus it being an additional 20% tax removed from the consumer’s already taxed income… which makes it hardly worth going to work every day. VAT is a horrible concept in relation to promoting productive behavior.