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What is the best Traffic Avoidance system for light GA in Europe today ?

My main problem is gliders, I spend most of my flying time above the 2500 ft and so above most of the GA but gliders are very difficult to see and usualy operate to the cloud base. Most serious glider pilots are using FLARM so it follows that POWER FLARM is likely to offer the best value for money for my operation.

I know this will not be the answer for for all situations but with a £2K cost and CS-STAN certification it adds up to a lot of protection for very little outlay.

Peter wrote:

The problem is the cost – over 10k. Mine cost GBP 13k. Accordingly, whenever you mention this on social media (not EuroGA) you get beaten up for being filthy rich and that you should not be expecting others to spend this money, etc, etc

And rightly, too. (Well, not about being “filthy rich”, that’s just politics of envy). £13k is astonishingly poor value for money for the marginal safety improvement it will bring and is showing why normal middle class people are being forced out of certified aviation. For the bulk of light SEP flyers, there is a huge opportunity cost there – there are so many other better things that £13k can be spent on.

Andreas IOM
My main problem is gliders, I spend most of my flying time above the 2500 ft and so above most of the GA but gliders are very difficult to see and usualy operate to the cloud base. Most serious glider pilots are using FLARM so it follows that POWER FLARM is likely to offer the best value for money for my operation.

I know this will not be the answer for for all situations but with a £2K cost and CS-STAN certification it adds up to a lot of protection for very little outlay.

Yes, gliders are common to deal with, but you don’t need a £2K PowerFlarm – the £200 Stratux receiver will do, the other £1.8k will only give you the almost toy transmitter.

Last Edited by at 19 Dec 11:38

For the bulk of light SEP flyers, there is a huge opportunity cost there – there are so many other better things that £13k can be spent on.

What kinds of better things?

If you could get another 10-20kt that would be “better”

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

What kinds of better things?

An instrument rating, or not deferring maintenace, or flying more often (better currency) spring immediately to mind.

Andreas IOM

dejwu wrote:

Yes, gliders are common to deal with, but you don’t need a £2K PowerFlarm – the £200 Stratux receiver will do, the other £1.8k will only give you the almost toy transmitter.

It will depends on the country but I expect the proportion of glider with ADS-B ou to be very low and one order of magnitude lower than Flarm equipage.

Nympsfield, United Kingdom

dejwu wrote:

Yes, gliders are common to deal with, but you don’t need a £2K PowerFlarm – the £200 Stratux receiver will do, the other £1.8k will only give you the almost toy transmitter.
Does Stratux really support FLARM? Their web site make no mention of it that I can find. Also, how does it display the targets? Again from what I can make out of their web page, Stratux doesn’t work with either Garmin Pilot or SkyDemon. (Even though they claim it is compatible with “every major EFB”.)

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Airborne_Again wrote:

Stratux doesn’t work with either Garmin Pilot or SkyDemon.

Stratux outputs GDL90 which works with SkyDemon, however I don’t know if it supports FLARM. It’s also on another frequency so unless they have an extremely wide-band radio, you need two receivers. Also, FLARM licenses need to be updated every year in every FLARM-supporting device. SkyEcho 2 solves that using the FLARM decoder in SkyDemon.


StratuS definately does not work with SkyDemon. I have no experience of StratuX

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

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