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Didn’t the party have that name before Hitler joined it and turned it into the “nazi” party?

The full name was
Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands
Which translates as “national socialist workers party (of) Germany” (NSDAP)

It did indeed grew out of the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) and was renamed in 1920 to NSDAP.

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

Alexis wrote:

And that we have “no real freedom” is really so absurd that i see no way to further discuss these subjects

I agree but as demonstrated above by AF, Silvaire and now Mooney_Driver there are various definitions of freedom. I don’t subscribe to theirs but if they are happy with it fine. This is problematic for “the West” as a political force in the World though, because our shared values seem to be dissimilar.

Last Edited by MedEwok at 25 Jun 18:27
Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

There’s stuff i simply cannot discuss anymore: this definition of freedom, that global warming was invented by the Chinese, Creationism and why the “greatest country on Earth” teaches its kids creationism instead of evolution.

Alexis wrote:

Creationism and why the “greatest country on Earth” teaches its kids creationism instead of evolution.

How scary is this guy?:

Somebody should explain to him what a “theory” is in the scientific meaning…,not the numpty meaning…

Last Edited by AnthonyQ at 25 Jun 18:52
YPJT, United Arab Emirates

Gives me shivers … (to think that this person is the VP of the USA today is depressing).

Last Edited by at 25 Jun 19:56

what_next wrote:

When did you get the two additional ones? I remember last time it were only six

Four Ducatis, two Guzzis, a Kawasaki and a BMW (six of them are Italian)

Last Edited by Silvaire at 25 Jun 19:48

Silvaire wrote:

I have eight motorcycles, three cars and two airplanes. All of them have been modified by me, none have ever been inspected by any government official, and the airplanes are inspected by one of my closest friends. That’s the way it’s going to stay.

@AnthonyQ, my experience in the US is that people are extrordinarliy helpful to each other.

Ditto everything.

AnthonyQ wrote:

How scary is this guy?:

As scary as the men he’s quoting who started their country based on those concepts and ideals…

Shorrick_Mk2 wrote:

Case in point:

Lol, classic!

Alexis wrote:

populist right wing stereotypes.

Alright, it was a great conversation, but it is clearly devolving into name calling.
I appreciate the discussion we had, thanks.
I’ll go back to flying now…

AF wrote:

As scary as the men he’s quoting who started their country based on those concepts and ideals…

Those men are excused…Pre-Darwin and pre-scientific enlightenment era…

A scientific theory starts life as an hypothesis….the physical evidence of which is tested repeatedly by multiple people (scientists) using multiple approaches…if it continues to hold up it eventually becomes a theory….it’s not just some idea thrown up as in the common usage of the word…

On the other hand a pre-historic belief system offers no physical evidence at all…

Last Edited by AnthonyQ at 25 Jun 20:23
YPJT, United Arab Emirates

This cannot be discussed. “Evolution” is not a theory anymore but a proven fact. And it is sad that the country that has the most nobel prize winning scientists has political leaders who are working on pushing back this great country into the darkness.
I am also positive that the American public will not let that happen.

Indeed, the concept of “faith” requires that we do not question…just believe…so it is actually an act of heresy to apply the scientific method of enquiry to creationism!

YPJT, United Arab Emirates
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