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For french speakers – but also can be correctly traduced by YT – , the last audition of JM Jancovici about the ressources of electricity.
JCJ is what we can call an evangelist about energy ressources in France and very dislikes by all aviation population because if its brutal observations over the last 2 decades. Actually I would say that its bad reputation is partially due to the fact that he has predicted a lot of what is happening now but, but these predictions was very far from what we wanted for our bright futur.
It’s very intesting about nuclear, hydrogen and electrical in France and in Europe.
Please do not start at the beginning, more from 5:20

LFMD, France

He dipped his toes into suggesting policies once, with that flying anecdote, by saying we should reduce flights to 2-4 per lifetime per person, and the backlash (not just from aviation but more broadly from liberals) probably made him regret going in this direction. Most of the time he explains scientific things and their impact, that journalists have trouble grappling with especially when the true sense of scale is involved. Green activists can spread lies because journalists have no clue about reality and the true scale of numbers, and Jancovici explains it all in very simple terms, understandable by anyone.

Thanks for the vid !

Last Edited by maxbc at 30 May 12:40

HELP PLEASE for someone whose knowledge of IT can be written on a pin head.
An icon has recently appeared on my phone it’s called “nPerf” and with the wifi symbol. It says Access to the internet connection state required to identify the type of internet access required"
It says since Android 10
Can anyone on here explain simply what it is and if I should allow it access to the Telephone permission group.
Thanking you in advance for any advice.


If it really is nPerf and nothing that just pretends to be, then it is a network performance measuring tool so asking for access to internet connection details seems legit.

It is somewhat suspicious that it just appeared without having been installed by you. I suggest you go the the app section of the settings and uninstall it.

Last Edited by Airborne_Again at 02 Jun 15:36
ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

gallois wrote:

An icon has recently appeared on my phone it’s called “nPerf” and with the wifi symbol. It says Access to the internet connection state required to identify the type of internet access required"
It says since Android 10

nPerf is a tool to measure your network performance. You can find out about them here:

Also this should tell you if it is the legit app or something posing as it.

I am not aware that this is a standard part of Android 10, but it may well be that your provider or your manufacturer has it in their standard set up or put it in there during an update. Nevertheless, if it is not perfectly clear it’s the proper app, just block and delete it.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Thankyou both. I will uninstall it a see what happens. I will also have a look at the nperf site to get more on why it might have appeared.


I’d get rid of it. Oh and uninstall Tinder while you are at it

BTW, IT related stuff can go in the IT/Website section.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

What’s Tinder?🤔


It’s where your wife starts looking if you go fly every day.

Private field, Mallorca, Spain

So that’s why she keeps telling me to go flyimg😁

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