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Smuggling in GA

Aviathor wrote:

Previous poster forgot the Øresund bridge which has been there for a while now…

Well, if the Chunnel doesn’t count as “land” connection, then the Øresund bridge shouldn’t either.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

There is a lot of security in the tunnel however.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

There is a lot of security in the tunnel however.

Yeah, but no, but yeah, but…

It depends how many people it suits the French authorities to let through at the time. Many of the refugees who pass through us have come via the Tunnel (though far from all.)

EGKB Biggin Hill

Timothy wrote:

It depends how many people it suits the French authorities to let through at the time. Many of the refugees who pass through us have come via the Tunnel (though far from all.)

You mean they walk through the tunnel?


Aviathor wrote:

You mean they walk through the tunnel?

A very few do. They mostly jump on trains.

EGKB Biggin Hill

Timothy wrote:

They mostly jump on trains.

Last year we were cycling past the terminal in Calais and a train came in to view, from somewhere hidden in the undergrowth at least 20 people (all men) emerged and they just climbed straight over the security fencing….and they all disappeared behind the train…not a sign of any security anywhere

not a sign of any security anywhere

That’s what I mean. The French authorities turn the security on and off depending on short term political perception.

EGKB Biggin Hill

I would let them all come. I mean we happen to be born somewhere (not of our chosing) and then get told we cant go any where else involving passing through an artificial barrier of human construct.

I agree. The artificiality and ephemerality of borders, yet the zeal with which they are defended, is quite remarkable.

Another argument is that the very people who have the intelligence, guts, will, determination, endurance and skills to get all the way here despite the dangers and difficulties are the very people we should be welcoming with open arms into our economy and society.

Can we send back some of our entitled indigenous wastrels in return? The very people who are too stupid to recognise the value of immigration, or to object to it on racial and cultural lines, are the ones we would be best shot of.

EGKB Biggin Hill

I don’t agree. It is our duty and in our own interest to make sure that the countries that they come from start to flourish.The people you describe that have the intelligence, guts etc should use these talents to make that happen and we should somehow enable them.
And sending British scoundrels there won’t help these countries either I’m talking from experience, we’re having a nice invasion of them again this summer over here.

Private field, Mallorca, Spain
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