Hope the forum takes off :).
just popped in to say hello
I've used my nickname as that's probably what people would recognise but no secrets
real name is Mike McPherson, I fly an AA5 out of Hombeck, or I will once it's flying again :)
good luck with the new forum
only downside is another site to visit as part of my morning ritual :)
too many web sites, too little time
edit interesting - the post as written has a newline after hello
looks like two new lines give you a paragraph, one is ignored ?!?
another interesting edit a post, save and the changes don't apear without a refresh?!?
Hi All
Nice to see an alternative to PPRuNe and the other place. I don't do Facebook so a new forum is welcome. I recognise a few names already, and no doubt they'll recognise me.
Thanks for the invitation to join, Peter.
Speedbird - there is a Student Pilots forum here so you are welcome to start there
MMCP42 - if you can reproduce the issue, please do a report via the Contact link at the top of the page. David is still fixing little things and generally things get fixed quickly.
Well done for the new website and addressing a need in the "market" (european based forum),I hope people from all over europe join in!
My name is Vincent Sider, I fly, these days, a cirrus sr20 generation 3 from blackbushe.
Oh, by the way, I am french and also fly from/to Le Havre (LFOH) regularly
good luck with the new forum
I have been flying since the mid '70's. During that time, innumerable aviation people have given so generously, that I might grow into the industry. I feel that I owe a debt of knowledge and experience back to those who would receive it, as we are each the temporary custodian of knowledge, not the owner.
While researching helicopter testing I was doing years back, I stumbled upon PPRuNe, then found the private flying section. I felt that I had found a path to pay back a bit of my knowledge debt, and get some more back as well. PPRuNe was my first venture into forums, so I did as I understood from the instructions, and made myself anonymous. There were a few slagging matches where anonymity seemed like a good idea, though for the large part, I have no reason to conceal myself. I do respect the very valid reasons others do have (employment rules).
When I signed up here, I considered using my real name, and the only reason I did not, was that I figured that for good or bad, "Pilot DAR" was a known, I may as well continue the tradition - at least some of you will know what to expect!
That said, I am Jim Watson, and I am a self employed delegate (DAR) of Transport Canada for aircraft certification. I test and evaluate aircraft modifications, and issue an STC when I have found compliance. I own two aircraft, my trusty C 150, which I have had for 25 years, and a Thurston Teal amphibian, which is about the most fun you can have with wings, on the water. I keep them both at my home runway in Central Ontario. To keep life interesting, I'm also a volunteer firefighter, and for fun, I collect and restore Dinky, Corgi, and Matchbox toys.
I have met some truly heart warming people through my participation in PPRuNe, which is a reward that keeps a positive image of PPRuNe for me whether I participate there or not. Prooners, I met were 100% charming and worthy people, with a few going well above and beyond to welcome and assist me. They are here, and they know who they are (I shall not "out" them, even for the good!).
These forums hugely extend the old sitting around the club house on poor weather days and gabbing, to include people all over. But it would be nice to think that distance or anonymity do not lull participants into careless talk, and degenerative comments. Perhaps many of us have learned recently! I will always post here, as though I was sitting around the club house in person........
Peter and his associate have done a great job here, and I'll be spreading the word.....
Hello all,
I'm really pleased to see this new forum get going, and I hope it'll stay free of some of the more unpleasant mobbing that I've seen elsewhere - good luck to Peter and David and good on 'yer both for taking the plunge...
I potter along as a plain ol' PPL over here in a nice bit of SW France. Little bit of tailwheel experience, little bit of aeros, some dabbling in night flying... What I really want to know, and maybe some of you more experienced peeps can give me a clue: when does one ever get past that feeling of being a clueless beginner? Well, more clueless than clued-up, anyway. I'm still waiting for the day when I stride out and take possession of the left-hand seat feeling supremely confident and utterly in control
In the meantime, I'm looking forward to reading a lot and contributing occasionally.
No Jojo, you should not really ever get past feeling clueless - it keeps you safe and honest. You might get to "comfortable with clueless", but there's always someone out there with more time on type, or time on something newer and flashier, or bigger, or turbine, or whatever, to take you back down a notch if you're cocky.
Thus, Always imagine yourself as a bit clueless, admit to everyone, that you're not perfect, but you listen, and like to learn, and try hard, and you'll probably get along well with the mature pilots.
Never tell anyone that you don't need a checkout - eventually they'll tell you that you don't need one. Then you know you you're very well regarded!
PilotDAR - sometimes I wish there was a "like" button
Thanks for wise words and advice that works at all levels.
Great work, let's hope this really takes off! I had my account deleted off prune recently as it has descended into total hoop and Genghis-gate sealed it for me. Flyer is good but there are a few dominant personalities that can't take any alternative views being allowed!
I'm an active FI and Examiner, always willing to help anyone if I can with training or licensing advice, either in forum or by PM.
Like many others, I use a handle only because of the job versus search engine thing!