but I choose to not use my surname because it's not an exactly common one and everything one writes ends up on google etc. And I have a business to manage... not an aviation related one but nevertheless I don't want one of my customers to stick my name into google and immediately discover that I have a hobby which he is paying for As it happens, you can do it in under 30 seconds if you know how.
Aviation, being loaded to the brim with "legality", is occassionally a tricky area when it comes to discussing certain things, and not using one's full name can enable one to be more frank.
Today's "youth" will on occassions pay a heavy price for the often astonishing stuff they put on Facebook, when they go looking for jobs. So a little bit of care in this department is probably worth it.>
Which is exactly my thoughts on the subject!
Thanks to peter and David for offering us an alternative!
(I've worked out how to start the quote, but I haven't worked out how to terminate it!!
It seems I'm having a little trouble with the "quote" function! I can successfully start a quote but I can't end it!
You don't have to end it with anything.
Just drop in the block of text to be quoted (making sure it has no totally blank lines within it) and put a > on the front of it.
I've fixed-up your post for you.
Do have a look at the Posting Tips link on this page. It has the essentials.
On balance we felt this method of quoting produces a neater result, and avoids the common problem in forums where people drop in massive blocks from other posts, adding just one line of their own underneath it.
Just to wish you all well with the new forum, which looks as if it will be a great place for really knowledgeable people.
Unfortunately, workload and location mean I don't fly myself these days, but I did wish to drop by and pass on my best wishes to Peter and all.
Good luck and great discussions.
James Graham
Using a common name such as Alan is an identity problem, especially when my surname is also common, there are so many of us that we use a seniority at our place, hence the Al2 or Alpha2! It is pleasing to see some sensible comments on this forum site, I look forward to taking part and learning from fellow pilots and hopefully being able to help others. Best wishes to Peter and David for promoting this site.
I fly in a group from a small airstrip in East Anglia. I might use my real name later,but just wanted to say that this forum could be really useful addition for UK GA.
Got the invite to your website this morning Peter, thank you.
I post on the other fourms too but lets hope this one stays sensible :)
Thank you
Many thanks for the e-mail invite last night.
Must say - nice looking website!
I live on Tyneside and learned to fly 17 years ago. I used to post on PPRuNe but stopped following the recent debacle there.
I wish you all the best going forward.
New member here.
I hope this project is long lasting. Being a student pilot my contributions will be limited.
Well I am re-starting my PPL at Redhill Aerodrome, nice grass airfield with Gatwick just around the corner which makes it interesting.
Initially started on a C152, then tried a PA28 then a TB10 and a C172. Out of all of them I loved flying the TB10 and the PA28.
My new flying school have a C172 and a DA20 in their fleet for training, I am pondering giving the Katana a go, but I have this, hmmm how do I explain it, anxiety flying small 2 seaters! Don't ask me how, maybe it is something psycological. :wall:
Anyway see you around the forums and if any of you pop by Redhill Aerodrome one day please send me a message, I'll pay the coffee.
Regards, JP
I use the same nickname on all forums so I am easily identifiable.