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Introductions and occupations?

Finally! A forum ran by one of the smartests guy in EU GA !!

Good luck Peter.

I left PPRUNE a long time ago.


PPL,IMC,tailwheel. I fly out of Gloucestershire Airport in the mid west of England. I owned half of a RV-9A for about 5 years. Last year I formed a new group with two club mates. We now own a TB20 that we have upgraded with new Garmin toys. This means we are certified for LPV approaches.

Gloucester UK (EGBJ)

Never tell anyone that you don't need a checkout - eventually they'll tell you that you don't need one. Then you know you you're very well regarded!

Excellent tip, Pilot DAR!


Hello all,

First off, the site looks like a nice design. What I really appreciate is that user data like "total number of posts" or "registered since" don't show up, as it really shouldn't be of any importance, but merely the quality of the postings. As Peter often points out, it is easier to write ten one-liners than one well- researched answer to another's poster's question.

My name is Philipp Tiemann, and I chose my nick purely as an idea to pay hommage to the lovely airfield (LIPN) which I was mainly based at for the past six years. Many people will know me from my german language publications and as well as from my more than 500 detailed european airfield reports (again in german language) published on the website

In the past, Peter and I crossed swords of couple of times on the subject of GA flying in Italy. Whilst he is very knowledgable on certain subjects, he unfortunately has the tendency to generalize matters sometimes, explaining people "how certain countries work", based on very isolated experiences only. Anyway, looking forward to some good discussion here.

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Welcome Philipp

Do remember the Guidelines which appear above the text entry box.


Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Thanks Peter, sure, I have read those guidelines. However, please admit that you are a little bit of a "character", which is fine and appreciated. But like it or not, you will have to stand a little bit of criticism every now and then... even more so as you are now a moderator. Really wish you all the best!

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

That's fine Philipp

But don't criticise the person. Criticise the message - on its facts.

At the bottom of every one of my trip writeups is this line:

Any feedback, reports of dead links, corrections or suggestions much appreciated: (my email address)

If you felt that anything I have written is inaccurate, and emailed me about it (as plenty of people do, even though I send the URL to pilots based in the relevant countries, for checking, before going public) I am sorry but it appears that my £400/year Messagelabs spam filtering has eaten all your emails, so please re-send them and I will make corrections.

I too am mindful of the fact I am a mod here, so I will not abuse that and will try to stick to the guidelines.

Last time you posted what I write is "hogwash" (in the Italian flying context) I asked if you speak Italian. If you speak Italian, that would help explain your wholly different experiences in Italy. You never replied.

Now let's just stick to non-personal stuff.

If you do speak Italian, let's debate (under an appropriately named thread title) the extent to which knowing the local language makes a difference in different countries in Europe, particularly with regard to "lubricating" PPR/PNR requirements, and obtaining Avgas from aeroclubs which (according to a couple of Italian pilots) obtain duty-free Avgas under a "sports club" concession and are thus unable to sell it on overtly.

I would have never flown to Greece back in 2004 (VFR and all that) if I had not got extensive help from Greek pilots based there. Local knowledge can make a big difference.

Or just start a thread (in say the Airports section) called Flying in Italy. I am sure it would be very helpful to many (myself included) since many parts of Italy are very beautiful. We already have another well known Italian pilot here - African Eagle

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I'm looking forward to really nice technical flying forum. Some of the others are already plagued with bickering and vacuous chatter and I don't know about anyone else but find it tiresome. Not here please

Gloucester UK (EGBJ)

Good day to all,

I am a low hour pilot, flying the more humble Ecuador, of all places. My real name is not a high regarded secret, probably easily found out for somebody that puts their mind to it......but it`s better to stay a little anonymous on-line.

Some of you know me a bit better and anyone that is ever PM-ing with me will find that I`m very open though.

I like to talk about flying and to look at aircraft, so I will start a picture thread soon if that`s okay with the proud owners of this site.

As the UK legislation (or European for that matter) is not applicable to me, you will find me more in the "hands on" threads with regards to operating an aircraft as opposed to the real nitty gritty discussions on aircraft certification, different airspace ratings and / or pilot licenses!

Enjoy the monday Mourning today!

Ultra Long Hauler

Peter - Many thanks for the invitation to join and I look forward to having direct access to those fascinating trip reports and lots of useful information. I think I'll stick to Pianorak (lack of imagination?), used on various classical music-related forums long before I took up flying; so why change the habit of a lifetime. Nice looking site, and if the current contributions are anything to go by, EuroGA is bound to be a success. - Best wishes - Fred R

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