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Introductions and occupations?

PMs good point. I haven't found the function to send PM yet.


On the list of things to do

[ done ]

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter, I'd like to congratulate you on this initiative. Nice, clean interface without distracting ads.

I know you love writing about your flying experiences. I've always enjoyed your write ups which are full of well researched and considered detail.

Hopefully this forum will enable you to 'spread your wings' to a wider audience.

Over recent years I've been more of a lurker than a poster but who knows, that may change here.

Good luck to both you and David.

EGSA, United Kingdom

Always have used my given name, now here too.

mike hallam

For those interested in Private Messaging, or even those not, please take a look and hopefully respond here:

EGTR / London, United Kingdom

I'm another exile from PPRUNE, who is delighted to see an alternative after the recent nastiness. Well done to those who set this up. :-)

I've been slowly gaining my PPL for about eighteen months now, mainly for the pleasure of learning and as such my short term targets after my PPL are getting an IMCR whilst I can and visiting my mum, near Bodmin, by air. Once I've ticked those boxes tailwheel and aeros are on the list to try with some more touring.

My other leisure activity is mucking about in boats. I hold several flavours of instructional paperwork and have some SAR experience. I fear that I’m a consumer of technical flying content, though I hope to give something back once I’ve got experience to offer.

I’m happy to be moderately identifiable. As Peter points out it would be easy to find out my identity but due to the nature of my work it’s best not to be too obvious.


I use a nickname because I would like my opinions to be attributed to me (admittedly a diguised me )or rather, not by association, to any organisation I work for or represent. I did think of using my initials - but JC seemed to imply a greater standing than I have earned! I am quite happy to identify myself by pm.

On other sites there is a level of personal abuse which seems to get worse when people can load it onto a known personality. I hope and believe that it will not happen on this site.

Well done to David & Peter for taking the initiative -it is much appreciated.

Fantastic idea Peter... Got your email this morning and looking forward to a focussed forum!

EDHS, Germany

Many thanks for the positive feedback.

Some of you might get another email over the next 24 hrs... ahem the joys of IT

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Thanks you Peter. Many General Aviation web sites and forms masquerade as being open to candid postings and comments. However, with an ever-increasing frequency many these web sites are nothing more than a self-serving money venture that become covertly censored when moderator egos get in the way. I look forward to enjoying an expanded resource of knowledge and information. Fly Safe.

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