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CIME card in France - a mandatory crew certificate?

So it would make a lot of sense (avoid escorting), IF it was made available in all countries and was properly implemented.
Let’s hope that this mess gets resolved someday.

Also from the little I’ve seen the procedure looks like a scam. You have to become an AOPA member (by paying) and THEN pay again for your CIME card. No visible ties to the government, and double paywall. It feels like being the victim of phishing.


We have just run into the CIME issue at LFRN which used to be a nice easy airfield with entry/exit via the flying club. No CIME card, pay for full handling. Once the pilot gets back and passes the details I’ll add the costs to the airport database.

The irony is that in this case the pilot also has a selection of airside ID as his day job is flying business jets. It also appears to generate a nice excuse for a ramp check as well.

EGBP, United Kingdom

@maxbc you can get the CIME card through the FFA as well. I can’t remember whether you have to pay twice as you do with AOPA.
I have never understood why the FFA went for this, perhaps it was a reaction to AOPA doing it and they didn’t want a lot of members deserting to AOPA.
It’s not usual for FFA to just accept extra cost without protest. But maybe there are new people running it now..I don’t keep up with the politics these days, even less now that I’ve converted to FFPLUM.


Does anyone know what the situation is regarding any requirement for CIME card at La Rochelle LFBH?

MichaLSA wrote:

Just take a printer and do a plastic card with some information cannot be illegal, or?

No, that is not illegal, just like it is not illegal to make a booklet with 32 or 48 pages with a dark red cover, and whose first page (interior) is plastic has your picture, date of birth and other information yourself. However, that is not a German Passport that would be recognised by any German or non-German state authority as a travel document. It is (I’m pretty sure although I have not found the exact law) forbidden/illegal to issue a German passport to a person that does not have German citizenship, or with data not corresponding to an actual person (fictitious name, etc).

The same, you can do a plastic card with some information on it, but that is not a “Crew Identification Card” as meant by the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and that is (supposed to) be recognised by airports as a valid document justifying access to the security restricted area of an airport; such a card is issued only after an “enhanced background check”, and it makes sense that such card is issued only by, or on delegation of, the state authority that has performed the background check.

For non-commercial GA pilots, France has delegated the power of issuance, according to specific procedures with respect to the background check, to a handful of GA organisations in France.

The Luxembourg situation is that the CAA has convinced itself that EU Law forbids it to issue a Crew Identification Card to a non-commercial pilot (not pilot of an AOC holder). Patently, they must be wrong, but I’m desperately trying to get a contact at EASA to officially tell them that.

Last Edited by lionel at 10 May 08:46

gallois wrote:

I am afraid crew cards and CIME are not the same thing.

Don’t be afraid, they are exactly the same thing. The French language version of “annexe du règlement d’exécution (UE) 2015/1998” calls it “carte d’identification de membre d’équipage (certificat de membre d’équipage)”, the English language version calls it “crew identification card”, the German language version “Flugbesatzungsausweise”, etc.


Does anyone know what the situation is regarding any requirement for CIME card at La Rochelle LFBH?

EuroGA reports don’t mention it.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I was just tryin to point out that printing a piece of card saying Cew on it and then sticking to photo on it an putting it in plastic doe not make it a CIME card.😬


Has anyone here actually got a CIME card, or even seen one?

LFMD, France

Thanks, I’ll check it out ! (Although the FFA didn’t even bother sending us membership cards this year for some reason)

It’s not required for many airports (especially the ones where it’s always enforced). The most notable one is probably Nice (but for GA it’s better to go to Cannes anyway). Other ones where it’s sometimes mandatory are more numerous and include airports like Calvi, Toulouse, Tarbes.

I found a complete list here : , although I’m not sure it’s fully up to date.

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