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Russian invasion of Ukraine

We have some special rules for this thread, in addition to the normal EuroGA Guidelines. The basic one is that EuroGA will not be a platform for pro Russian material. For that, there are many sites on the internet. No anti Western posts. Most of us live in the "West" and enjoy the democratic and material benefits. Non-complying posts will be deleted and, if the poster is a new arrival, he will be banned.

Peter wrote:

What amazes me is how much geolocatable smartphone material is being openly posted. There must be some controls on it…

One way to accelerate the end of the war would be to drop on the adversary 1000s of smartphones with full voice and data package included, along with beer, vodka, and coca-cola, and lots of American candy bars. (they have to be American candy bars since they have the highest density of HFCS in the known universe)

The sugar will make them as lethargic as a basement-dwelling neckbeard, the vodka will finish off any remaining motivation and greatly deteriorate any inhibitions and cognition, and the phones will allow them to call their families to describe their miserable conditions, while being geolocated.

Fly more.
LSGY, Switzerland

Hmmm… They already have the vodka, the sh1t food (they stick whole pigs on a fire, collect the fat dripping off the bottom, let it go solid, and eat it) and they have stolen thousands Ukrainian phones (on which they haven’t changed the SIMs) with which they are calling their families, and lots of the recordings can be heard on the telegram channels (if you speak Russian).

GSM is geolocated immediately within (normally) a few hundred m, updated every ~10 mins, and the networks log the data (IMEI, SMS content, call data, location) and store it for, probably, years.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

LeSving wrote:

Gorshkov is allegedly going south to the Mediterranean sea. Exactly what it’s going to do there is anyone’s guess, say hello to Erdogan perhaps?

Enter the Black Sea?

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Mooney_Driver wrote:

Enter the Black Sea?

That would be up to Turkey to allow (or not), given the International treaties in operation there. Turkey certainly has the legal right to restrict or deny the passage of warships to the Black Sea in times of war.

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

MedEwok wrote:

That would be up to Turkey to allow (or not), given the International treaties in operation there. Turkey certainly has the legal right to restrict or deny the passage of warships to the Black Sea in times of war.

That is news to me and also I strongly doubt Erdogan would do that with any ships of countries which have sea access to the Black sea. And Russia does have also legitimate access east of Ukraine.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Turkey controls passage through the Bosporus Straits. Not the Black Sea as a whole.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Mooney_Driver wrote:

They eventually gave up in Afghanistan when they saw that war could not be won

Some contrasts between Afghanistan and Ukraine: Soviet soldiers killed in 9 years of war in Afghanistan: high estimate is 26,000.

Ukraine, in less than 1 year of war: at lest 100,000.

Afghanistan managed to ultimately drive out the Soviets with a peak number of personnel only 1/10th of the Soviet side.

Andreas IOM

Control of the Bosporus Straights is governed by the Montreux Convention.

In wartime, if Turkey is not involved in the conflict, warships of the nations at war may not pass through the Straits, except when returning to their base

EIWT Weston, Ireland

dublinpilot wrote:

except when returning to their base

And as we all are aware, the main base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is on Krimea, plus there are several more on undisputed Russian soil. So all they have to do is to assign that vessel there.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

It will be for Turkey to decide if this ship qualifies for passage. I’ve no idea where it’s base is.

But I doubt Turkey would accept dynamic base changes during a conflict.

I understand from news reports that military vessels have not been allowed passage during the conflict.

EIWT Weston, Ireland
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