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Russian invasion of Ukraine

We have some special rules for this thread, in addition to the normal EuroGA Guidelines. The basic one is that EuroGA will not be a platform for pro Russian material. For that, there are many sites on the internet. No anti Western posts. Most of us live in the "West" and enjoy the democratic and material benefits. Non-complying posts will be deleted and, if the poster is a new arrival, he will be banned.

Capitaine wrote:

An article from the New York Times on Ukrainian buildings damaged by war

This is behind paywall.

The scale of human casualties is enormous – it’s estimated that Russia has lost between 350.000 and 500.000 soldiers (dead or wounded), depending on estimates with more than 50.000 confirmed deaths. It’s hard to confirm exact numbers but Ukrainian military casualties are probably around 150.000 (dead or wounded) with 35.000 confirmed deaths. In addition there’s more than 30.000 Ukrainian civilian casualties.

However, the ratio between military personnel and civilians is not like in other recent wars (Gaza – more than 35.000 – practically all civilians, Rwanda – more than 800.000 civilians, Iraq – more than 100.000 soldiers and more than 180.000 civilians, Croatia – 9.000 soldiers and 6.500 civilians, Bosnia – 60.000 soldiers and 50.000 civilians).

Last Edited by Emir at 12 Jun 14:57
LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Emir wrote:

Gaza – more than 35.000 – practically all civilians,

I understand how you could get the numbers for the past conflicts (and to some degree in Ukraine), but how do you find the numbers for Gaza, other than from Hamas?


Emir wrote:

This is behind paywall.

That’s really weird: it works for me, and I’m not a subscriber. Full link which I found by going through this page first:

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

Capitaine wrote:

it works for me, and I’m not a subscriber.

Nope, definitely paywall.

Russia has a history of leaving behind burnt earth. Doesn’t look they intend to do differently here.

Wonder what they will do about the peace conference of this weekend… which actually is held in a non-Nato State… so no article 5 if they decide to reduce the number of adversaries with a military strike….

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

One can get browser plug-ins which bypass these paywalls.

I had one which worked on the majority of sites but I am not sure what happened to it, and don’t really have time to play with this stuff.

They work apparently via the fact that the behind-paywall publications (which btw includes a load of research etc journals) need to promote themselves by allowing google etc into their content, so by presenting the right sort of browser agent string…

I would put money on the Russian deaths being way more than 50k. Ukraine claims 520850 Russians as of today; dead and injured. 1100 in last 24hrs, and it has been > 1000/day for many months.

Obviously it will be exxagerated, but not as much as one might think, because Russian hardware losses have been visually checked by 3rd parties from combat footage etc and the UKR exxageration factor is probably no more than 30%.

It seems clear that Russian evacuation procedures are poor, partly because they are the invading force, have poor evacuation, and partly because, culturally, Russia doesn’t care for their losses, both on the battlefield (same in WW2; there is a reason why they lost 20M+ just in Europe while the US lost ~300k in Europe and the Pacific) and in terms of domestic opposition to the war which is well controlled by various methods starting with recruitment from poor parts of Russia (i.e. all but the western end).

Another factor, visible in the quite gory drone videos coming out of Ukraine, is that a large % of Russian losses are to either small suicide drones or bigger grenade-dropping drones which are used to chase individual Russians, and if the target is not obviously dead they drop another one on him, etc. This process is facilitated by lots of Russians, bizzarely, sleeping and hiding in shallow holes in open terrain, which the Ukrainians are obviously not doing. No idea why they are doing this; perhaps they were sent to battle without orders or coordination. There are many reports from Russia that batallion x had 90% of its men killed, and this is constant. Whereas Ukrainian losses are to more conventional warfare.

Whether this will alter the course of the war, given that Russia is about 4x the size of Ukraine by population capable of being wasted, nobody knows, but it sure helps to explain why Ukraine has not folded up long ago, and fairly obviously isn’t going to because drone warfare is so effective.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Mooney_Driver wrote:

Nope, definitely paywall.

Hmmm, now it’s not working. I managed to pdf the summary, which unfortunately is limited.

Last Edited by Capitaine at 12 Jun 15:49
EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

The peace conference in Switzerland is getting under way, more and more parts of the country will be heavily restricted with parts being totally locked down. Switzerland is also experiencing heavy DOS attacks on Internet and other infrastructure or so the news go. This being probably the highest risk any event has ever had in this country since WW II.

Anyone intending to fly in our direction should consult the NOTAMS. Many airports are totally closed or heavily restricted.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

172driver wrote

as a subscriber you can share articles, as I have done above

Thank you for this @172driver. Hopefully it was worth all the hassle 😀

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

I reckon the ultimate CV item for an IT person will be configuring firewalls in Ukraine

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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