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Climate change

Airborne_Again wrote:

Do you have sources?

The most recent one happened in Vienna on the 10th, but there were several more in Berlin and elsewhere, where ambulances were blocked in the jam created by those guys. In Vienna a guy died while the ambulance was on the way to him, despite a helo having been dispatched as well.

There were several similar reports from Germany too, where ambulances were blocked, one of which I linked here. This is why those guys are now being prosecuted.

Clearly, it will be difficult to say how many deaths they actually caused by now, but seeing that this is now taken to court, we shall know about it.

In any event, these actions have definitly crossed a line where now even supporters become critical of their actions.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Mooney_Driver wrote:

The most recent one happened in Vienna on the 10th, but there were several more in Berlin and elsewhere, where ambulances were blocked in the jam created by those guys. In Vienna a guy died while the ambulance was on the way to him, despite a helo having been dispatched as well.

There were several similar reports from Germany too, where ambulances were blocked, one of which I linked here. This is why those guys are now being prosecuted.

Well, this is really bad and I don’t defend it, but in the Berlin case no one died and in Vienna “Ob er tatsächlich gestorben ist, weil der Krankenwagen zu spät kam, muss jetzt ermittelt werden, erklärt die Polizei.”

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

The climate change protesters who glued themselves to motorways here should have been prosecuted, but the powers are limited – presumably because very few people are stupid enough to glue themselves to a road, so the system has not developed to deal with them

Most climate protesters are stupid people, manipulated by smarter people higher up and organised with messaging apps. For example most of them think that a nuclear power station is an atomic bomb.

“Useful idiots” is a term coined by one very clever and cynical organiser, c. 1920…

They achieve exactly nothing, and most people end up hating them.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

For example most of them think that a nuclear power station is an atomic bomb.

That is another one which hits the Greens in the face now. Finally some climate change advocates have realized that nuclear energy is in fact climate neutral but now they outlawed them e.g. in Germany. How to do a turn around here is not easy, given the fact that the Greens have for decades declared them exactly that.

Peter wrote:

“Useful idiots” is a term coined by one very clever and cynical organiser, c. 1920…

Only that now even the environmentalists start having problems with them, as they alianate a lot of people who would be sympathetic to their causes.

Peter wrote:

but the powers are limited –

Powers or will? Disrupting a public traffic infrastructure must carry some sort of penalty?

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Powers or will? Disrupting a public traffic infrastructure must carry some sort of penalty?

Politically sensitive to jail people who

  • have no brains
  • have no money
  • have no chance of getting a real job
  • are generally female
  • are highly adept (well, their leaders are) at using social media

The imagery would look terrible.

The UK doesn’t have much of a legacy of 1930s lawmaking The police are very careful in dealing with protests here.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

The police are very careful in dealing with protests here.

Same here, seldom is protester, or a rioter given a sentence. Most of the time, following an identity check the person is released.

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

“Net Zero” is producing some amazing stupid and totally unworkable proposals, like no oil fired boilers after 2026 despite most of UK countryside having no other viable option.

Air sourced heat pump… yeah right

Much more of this and the whole NZ thing will get kicked into the tall grass, as they say here, due to overwhelming stupidity.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’ve just put an oil boiler and tank in, and converted the Aga to oil.

“Just start oil!”, we say in our house.

Ask why if you’re genuinely interested, there are reasons. I know it doesn’t fit with the current agenda, but you know what, I literally couldn’t give a flying fcuk.


I considered an Aga when I got my house in 1999 (they are fashionable in the countryside ) but didn’t go for one because the kitchen gets way too hot in the summer, it is not an efficient way to heat spaces, or hot water, and it does waste a lot of heat. Instead I multizoned the house (4 zones) with an oil fired boiler which lasted 18 years. Now we have a condensing oil boiler which uses about 1/3 less oil for the same output.

I really do not get this zero-oil proposal because, roughly speaking, oil is no worse than gas, both in terms of cost and in terms of “Pootin exposure”. And countryside residents are totally screwed. We are next to a big field and I asked the farmer if we could put pipes into it; he declined. If he agreed, I would install a ground sourced heat pump, replacing the boiler as-is. But obviously about 0.01% of people have such an option.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

@Graham funny thing I am more than likely switching to an AGA style range but running it on wood pellets. Oil or gas would mean putting in a sealed reservoir /tank of some kind whereas the pellets don’t need it.

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