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Insurance companies, premiums, exclusions, etc

My annual premium has dropped from 3.3k to 2.1k to 1.8k.

Same cover, same hull value, same company (Haywards) etc.

I wonder what is going on. Maybe pilot training is becoming really good?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Competition from online brokers? Our Group moved in 2015. We’ve had no accidents, but have contacted them a few times, and got quick and reasonable replies.
(I opposed the move, but was proved wrong re. accepting active, experienced, but old pilots – 76 and 81.)

EGPE, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

My annual premium has dropped from 3.3k to 2.1k to 1.8k.

Was that large fall over successive renewals, or over a longer period? (Renewal due soon )

Cambridge EGSC

Successive years’ premiums.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
Maybe pilot training is becoming really good?

I am sure it is. Now that instructors finally have their own place to discuss the quality of their work must have dramatically improved

Then again, stiffer competition among insurers might also have some impact.

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

Peter wrote:

I wonder what is going on. Maybe pilot training is becoming really good?

It’s just you having claim-free years. I’m sure if you got a quote for 3-year-ago-you on a 3 year newer aircraft today on a new policy, you’d likely find it nearer the 3.3k level rather than the 1.8k level.

Andreas IOM

I’ve been with this company for 15 years or so. The curious thing is the very recent drop. My last and only claim was in 2002.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Yes, mine has gone down as well by around 15%. With no haggling like last year, where I managed to get it down by 23%

No reason to complain.

Last Edited by mdoerr at 05 May 18:37
United Kingdom

I thought you had quit flying, Markus?…

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

1. Never give false information – If a claim arises you will not get paid.

2. Shop around – you will find that some Brokers only go to 1 Underwriter to get a good price and another knowing it would be higher. – If you have a low valued aircraft (under £300k) look at Sydney Charles or Haywards.

3. Look at the coverage – Some may be slightly more expensive but gives you greater coverage.

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