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Greek Airports (being sold to FRAPORT in Germany) and many new problems

MedFlyer wrote:

the only vision they have is to exploit the islands until further notice and then just depart,leaving back dried aquifiers,trash mountains,abandoned hotels and thousands of “immigrands” working in their “All Inclusive” kitchens

Unfortunately, this will probably be the outcome.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Peter wrote:

Fraport taking over Sitia would be another nail in the coffin.

It begs the question of who (which country) runs Greece now?

Im not into local politics of Europe. I can only extrapolate from the limited experiences I have and a general overall picture of what happened to the Greek Economy.

So to answer your question, my opinion of who runs Greece now, my answer would be the German Govt foremost who took the debt on from the German Banks who made lots of money for there executives and now had issues with the Greeks defaulting because they could not pay it back thereby possibly causing a Banking crises similar to what the US did.

So now the Greeks have to buy German products and engage with German companies. If that means ripping people off so be it.

The Greeks should just adopt the term used up north “We can do it”. A positive attitude helps minimize the effect of the pain.

It really is such a shame that the EU mindset is so limited when it comes to aviation. When I visit Friedrichshafen Im so encouraged by the positive enthusiasm. Then you experience the the shits that run these countries and its all soured in an instant.


C210_Flyer wrote:

It really is such a shame that the EU mindset is so limited when it comes to aviation. When I visit Friedrichshafen Im so encouraged by the positive enthusiasm. Then you experience the the shits that run these countries and its all soured in an instant.

Amazing – we are in total agreement on something

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

To me this policy is a clear sign that I am not welcome. In this case I will not fly to Greece neither GA nor airline.
It is very sad, because I have been to Greece many times and really like the country and the people.
For the time being I prefer countrys which appreciate my business.

Hopefully in the future somebody will taste from the tree of knowledge and will change things in the right direction…

I have sent a request to Fraport asking them to explain me why they are trying to exclude GA – we will see if I get an answer.

It might also be worth a try if as many people as possible are writing letters directly to the Fraport board. At least for customer complains that sometimes works better than the regular way.

Would someone have a contact name/address for the Fraport board? Not the local Greek management but the German head office.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

The adress and names of board members can be found here

Just make sure you put „persönlich“ under the name.

Last Edited by Sir_Percy at 05 Feb 19:26

Sir_Percy wrote:

To me this policy is a clear sign that I am not welcome. In this case I will not fly to Greece neither GA nor airline.

To me, this may not be the best way to influence FRAPORT.
We should first spread the word of the LGIO-LGMG-LGSO-LGST scheme that allows to visit (parts of) Greece with GA friendly airports.
If they see all their GA business going elsewhere, they could react.

Legal actions could be effective, but will require patience and money

Somebody here said that FRAPORT is a good company in Germany, maybe they could be influenced to apply Germany rates to Greek airports ? (I’m day-dreaming )

LFOU, France

That is probably exactly what they did – they only took the fees from Frankfurt ….

I probably should have been more precise – exchange Greece with Fraport operated airports.

I think we will pretty soon see the success story of Fraport in Greece spreading across the rest of Europe in some accelerated pace…
Commercial flying keeps growing, cheap carriers look for/ demand additional slots. GA plane occupies at least the same amount of time of a runway as a large CAT. The income from GA for the airport – just a fraction of sum of the large one.
Being an airport manager/ owner, of the airport of some in demand destination, what would you do to maximize your profit out of the place? Assure the smooth flow of big irons, get rid of disturbances of low value GA…
This is what happened in Greece, but this is also what is happening in a number of airports in Europe currently… Maybe not that spectacularly, but steady. We see more and more runways that GA ceased flying due to increase in fees in the last years, this process won’t stop but accelerate, Fraport in Greece just proves how easy it is under EASA’s CAT oriented sky…


Being an airport manager/ owner, of the airport of some in demand destination, what would you do to maximize your profit out of the place?

All the time the airport is below (maximum) capacity, and with nearly all costs being fixed costs, the income from each plane goes straight to the bottom line. So, I would for sure have all the CAT and I would stuff the gaps with GA. And if say there are CAT-busy times during the day, I would sell the remaining time on a website

Having ATC sitting there doing nothing and costing probably €1M/year is very bad management.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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