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Southern Italy in May/June 2019


I am trying to plan a trip to Southern Italy in late May and early June in an SR22.

Can anyone tell me about GA friendly airports and AVGAS availability? One place I want to get it is Salerno (to visit Pompeii). Friendly airports with tourist places of interest are useful, I don’t need AVGAS at every stop.

Any links or information would be appreciated – don’t really wan’t to go North of Naples.


LGGG, Greece

Hi Sabbasolo,

yes, the Avioportolano is a good aid for fun flying in Italy.

Southern Italy is great in the beginning of June, although the weather is sometimes not yet very stable. I have done that several times.

South of Naples, there is 100LL available at:

Salerno (LIRI)
Reggio Calabria (LICR)
Scalea (LIXP)
Aviosuperficie SibariFly
Foggia (LIBF)
Aviosuperficie Falcone/Lavello
Corte (LINB)
Brindisi (LIBR)
Possibly at Bari (LIBD)

In Sardinia, you can get Avgas at Cagliari and Olbia.

In Sicily, you can get it at Punta Raisi, Boccadifalco, Catania and possibly at Salemi.
Plus at Pantelleria.

Otherwise, if it makes sense for you, you can get lower priced Avgas at either Dubrovnik or Malta. Or Figari. In fact, I have done trips through southern Italy in the SR22 without ever buying a single litre of expensive Italian expensive, thanks to the above mentioned three airports.

As for worthwhile destinations, there are many, and it depends on your preferences.

Last Edited by boscomantico at 11 Apr 11:27
Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Sibari has 100LL?
I diverted there once; don’t remember fuel, but it may be because it was unattended….

Tököl LHTL

If you fuel in Brindisi LIBR bring some document with a VAT number… it’s a hassle!

LO__, Austria

I can confirm Sibari has 100LL

Happy only when flying
Sabaudia airstrip LISB, Italy

Thanks very much for the helpful information

Firming up now – we want to visit Firenze (Florence) – what is the best GA airport there for a 3 night stay? AVGAS would be nice, but not strictly necessary. Coming from Italy, so no customs/police required.


Essentially 3 options:

Florence airport (big airline airport, strictly PPR, expensive, formal, but close to the city). Avgas

Lucca airport (VFR, GA-only), but a taxi to Lucca train station and and then the train to Florence. Moderate fees. Avgas

Borgo San Lorenzo (VFR, grass), taxi to Borgo San Lorenzo train station and the then train to Florence. No fees. Avgas available only on request

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

boscomantico wrote:

Borgo San Lorenzo (VFR, grass), taxi to Borgo San Lorenzo train station and the then train to Florence. No fees. Avgas available only on request

I can’t find that one on SkyDemon, but I can find Collina airfield and Aviosuperficie Renzo Storai. Are you referring to one of those?

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden
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