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What have you done with, or on your aircraft, this weekend? (15th-16th June 2024)

The permit for my aircraft needed prolonging and a week or so ago it looked like the weather was going to finally become what we consider “summer” weather so I called the factory and asked to make an appointment with the Slovenian CAA inspector for Tuesday morning with my plans to fly down Monday morning, the factory would perform a 100 hour service and prepare the plane for the inspection Monday PM.

However, the closer the weekend appeared, the more changeable the weather appeared. So, from Thursday onwards I spent more time looking at weather charts than ever before and took the decision to fly down on Sunday. However the forecast for Sunday showed a band of bad weather moving across the north side of the alps from Bodensee over Linz / Passau so I decided to break the flight down into 2 legs – one to Eggenfelden where I would then land and check the weather for my onward flight.

That’s when mother nature threw another spanner in the works – the forecast for Sunday morning for my home base was poor on Sunday morning so I elected to fly Saturday PM and stay overnight in Mannheim – because of the high winds on Saturday in North Rhine Westphalia, I departed as late as possible, a little after 6pm, arriving around 7:20pm.

I like Mannheim because you have public transport directly outside the airport and off I went to the city to spend the night, surprised to see so many Scots roaming there in their kilts… The next morning I flew off the Eggenfelden and sure enough, the weather was showing 003 OVC over Linz. Webcams showed that this wasn’t fog, so I waited, delayed my flight plan until 1pm and was still weighing up whether to go when I realised – the later I leave it, the worse the weather would be getting over Graz or Maribor.

Undecided, I looked at Flightradar and saw numerous aircraft flying in the region I wanted to fly – one was even doing circuits at Linz. The VFR aircraft flying cross country were at 3800 feet so I started up, and flew over, passing Linz at 2500 feet and climbed to 3800. Graz was reporting rain so I continued along past the valley I usually fly down, towards Vöslau, turning south toward Maribor.

Crossing Maribor’s airspace, I asked the controller whether he had any weather radar for the area and if so, was he seeing any to the south west, over my destination. Yes, he was. So I was considering whether to divert to Maribor but could see lighter patches, so continued onward, advising the controller if it got too bad, I’d return, especially as LJSK is at an elevation of 890ft MSL, in a valley with lots of small hills dotted around it, some rising to more than 3000ft.

Fortunately for me, the rain was relatively light, I could descend into the valley and see the strip and land.

So, I’d arrived. The plans were to have the service and permit renewal completed by Tuesday but unbeknownst to me, the factory had agreed to get the inspector in for Monday pm so the renewal was completed. I was now looking at the weather for the return, I saw the heavy storms coming in to NRW yesterday so on Monday pm, I took the decision to fly to Mannheim on Tuesday, stay there and fly from there back on Wednesday.

Upon hearing this, the factory owner asked: when does the weather arrive? I told him, he asked: when would you need to leave. Again, I told him but said I didn’t want any pressure put on his people, I can fly to Mannheim, it’s not a problem. Tuesday morning came and I met the factory owner for Breakfast whereupon I was told: Your plane will be ready for departure at 0930 – with luck I would arrive before the storms. That’s what I call service, truly appreciate the effort he and his staff put in.

However I still had my hotel reservation for Mannheim, knowing if the storms came in faster than anticipated, I could divert there. Mercure also offers free cancellation so if I did make it back home, I could cancel without cost. Upon departing, what I noted is that they tidied up the aircraft a little – now I was seeing 123KTAS instead of between 118 and 120KTAS – and this at FL065 burning 15liters per hour – which fortunate, considering the headwinds I was flying into.

For the first hour or so, the flying was very enjoyable, climbing to 9000feet to fly over the National Park Gesäuse

But once I crossed into Germany, you could see the weather brewing. Here is a picture of Passau, interesting to see the different shades of the water in the river…..

Due to the restricted airspace ahead of me beginning at FL75, I dropped down from FL90 to FL65 and settled in for the journey. I even connected my iPhone to my headset via bluetooth and started singing along…

North of Frankfurt, I heard a VFR aircraft calling to ask whether he could be cleared through the Charlie of Düsseldorf enroute to Belgium at FL 85 and the controller said she’d discuss with Radar; they then said the weather was so poor there, they were already restricting traffic flow so they couldn’t accept this; additionally, the pilot would be in IMC. I asked for the Dortmund METAR and saw this was showing few clouds in 4000 feet but nothing else so my plans were to continue onwards towards Dortmund.

However, I was now flying between two layers of clouds – but as long as beneath me it was “few”, I was happy to continue; mother nature soon put an end to that plan with the higher level of clouds threatening to merge with the lower level of cumulus so I ducked down below, remaining around 3800 feet to give max clearance over the Sauerland.

Abeam Siegen I saw the first lightning from the storms to my west so turned north, aiming to fly past Dortmund and skirt in around the back of the storm.

I dropped down to 2300 feet to skirt under the TMA of Dortmund, flying over my current home town:

Below the front edge of the wing you can see the Marina Runthe on the Hamm-Datteln Kanal with the Lippe river running parallel behind the power station. The industrial area is the Schering chemical plant, the building works in the distance are the “water city” that the town planners are creating. This was an industrial area but is now being planned for high end houses & apartments near the water.

Although it did start raining, it wasn’t too heavy and after 4 hours 29 minutes, I landed safely…. In total, just shy of 10 hours flown over the weekend.

The good thing, as I have the permit extended, I can now decide to fly elsewhere for the summer tour…… if only summer would arrive…..

Last Edited by Steve6443 at 19 Jun 08:16
EDL*, Germany

It was IFR training for me. I first planned LFMD-LFMV to practice a bit and avoid liners places, but LFMV now forbids IFR training during the week-end. I replanned friday evening for LFML and did my procedures in Provence, between Air France, Ryanairs and friends. I was so amused (not amazed anymore) by the reaction of Air france PM coming “number 2 after a pa28, reduce speed 200”, he answered a really ATC compliant “Okeeeeeee” and probably put all things out to reduce speed 300 to 200.
The approach controller of Provence did not really managed the GA correctly then, and almost send a departed B737 into Aix Les Milles activated Drop zone…
The Archer 3 of my club is very nice, G3X+GFC500 is so easy to fly IFR with.
Just misses a aircon as ground temperature is raising here…

LFMD, France

I replanned friday evening for LFML

It had never occurred to me to use LFML for practice. Are they OK with that? Even LFMU (Beziers), which handles a massive LHR-like three Ryanair flights per day, doesn’t allow “practice” and weren’t very happy with me even though all I did was fly in, land, eat lunch, and fly out again.

LFMD, France

greg_mp wrote:

The Archer 3 of my club is very nice, G3X+GFC500 is so easy to fly IFR with.
Just misses a aircon as ground temperature is raising here…

Mx club has an Archer 3 which had aircon in it – unreliable and creates drag – the door needs closing when taking off and added IIRC 35kg weight…. it was binned after being repaired 3 times in 3 months….

EDL*, Germany

Steve6443 wrote:

it was binned after being repaired 3 times in 3 months….

good to know!

johnh wrote:

doesn’t allow “practice” and weren’t very happy with me even though all I did was fly in, land, eat lunch, and fly out again.

In fact, they just want to to land and pay a landing fee instead of requesting a new clairance while airborn. I bet this is the case for LFMV that is often used as RNP destination for the flying school around.
My issue was only the Notam which forbids training.
B2016/24 NOTAMN
Q) LFMM/QFALT/I /NBO/A /000/999/4354N00454E005
A) LFMV B) 2405171300 C) 2406240800
D) FRI 1300-MON 0800

Beside that, whatever the Notam is, If I submit a FPL with LFMV as destinatoin, they have to take me and they will obviously complain – and I would say they would be right because they wrote a Notam against that, but that’s a pity – this is what they are paid for.
A friend went there recently, IFR, and had to wait for 5 loops because a C172 was training on the hold.
Sometimes this kind of notams pops out at Provence, Beziers, …

Taking this story the other way, I was finally very pleased with flying an approach on a busy place (with gusty winds), it requires more than just keeping an eye on the autopilot that is following the magenta line.. Training I said :).

(disregard the delete part on LFMV ifr SID/STAR, LFMV is just going full RNAV)

Last Edited by greg_mp at 19 Jun 12:18
LFMD, France

Generally: as long as you land full-stop, pay and depart again, nobody can accuse you of being a training flight. Don’t say (on the radio) that is training. And don’t say it when paying landing fees.

The issue indeed only arises if you want to do multiple approaches, or if is just one but you want to make it touch n go / missed approach. Then it is hard to argue it is not training.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

had to wait for 5 loops because a C172 was training on the hold

5 loops! Pah, beginners’ stuff. The day of my IFR checkride at LFMV, I did a warm-up with my instructor first, and we went round the hold TWELVE times. Problem was they climbed us, then slotted other traffic in beneath us. We were seriously thinking of calling low fuel (not that it was) when they let us go. And then someone had an issue on the runway and we had to go round!

If I submit a FPL with LFMV as destinatoin, they have to take me and they will obviously complain

If you actually land and go and at lunch or whatever, why they can complain? You had a mission at the airport (eat lunch). Or pay a visit to my friends at Orbifly. Sure it was also training, but so is everything in life.

Last Edited by johnh at 19 Jun 12:41
LFMD, France

Thread can’t be promoted to the home page due to the large 1st post

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

greg_mp wrote:

Beside that, whatever the Notam is, If I submit a FPL with LFMV as destinatoin, they have to take me and they will obviously complain
If you actually land and go and at lunch or whatever, why they can complain? You had a mission at the airport (eat lunch). Or pay a visit to my friends at Orbifly. Sure it was also training, but so is everything in life.

I had similar complaints after full stop landing in ATO DA42, ATC know their usual suspects for IR training: the complaints are associated with training aircraft registration…

Last Edited by Ibra at 19 Jun 13:03
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

greg_mp wrote:

Beside that, whatever the Notam is, If I submit a FPL with LFMV as destinatoin, they have to take me and they will obviously complain

Well, that’s why it is more useful to make these rules concrete on measurable behaviour rather than intent. E.g. forbid repeated IFR approaches, only one to be done, and/or only on A-to-B flights. But then obviously, as a good IFR student / pilot / instructor one will call for a missed approach if the appraoch is not stabilised by some gate that is reasonable for the airplane being used (higher/farther for airliners than for light GA), and so that will make two in strict compliance with the rules.

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