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SR22 operating costs (and is the 10-year BRS re-pack mandatory under EASA)

No, she’s not obedient at all, rather the contrary, but Money doesn’t interest her one bit ;-)

Cirrus sells more planes than all others combined in their niche (SEL, 4 seats, <4k pounds gross, non pressurized). The reason must be because they are poorly made and are hard to maintain. And because the hundreds sold each year at nearly a million bucks are to neophyte pilots with poor flying skills and little experience with aircraft.

At least that’s the opinion of many who can’t afford one, who have no experience with them, and who usually make comments on these boards with no proof, link to hard data, or other evidence other than an opinion likely more based on envy than reasoning.

USFlyer wrote:

Cirrus sells more planes than all others combined in their niche (SEL, 4 seats, <4k pounds gross, non pressurized). The reason must be because they are poorly made and are hard to maintain. And because the hundreds sold each year at nearly a million bucks are to neophyte pilots with poor flying skills and little experience with aircraft.

At least that’s the opinion of many who can’t afford one, who have no experience with them, and who usually make comments on these boards with no proof, link to hard data, or other evidence other than an opinion likely more based on envy than reasoning.

Couldn’t have put it better myself…..

EDL*, Germany

Unfortunately, countering a criticism of an expensive product with an allegation of “envy” (an approach popular in much of human activity) can have both a desirable and an undesirable outcome, and you have little control on which way it’s going to go

You never know how much money somebody has or doesn’t have. About the only thing you can be fairly sure of is that if Person X does not own Product Y but could afford it, X is choosing to spend money elsewhere. For example I am quite happy to criticise anything and everything, as everybody knows But I could buy just about any GA product I have ever criticised if I really wanted it (most of the time I don’t want it; like most people I make my choices for lots of reasons). So for sure it isn’t envy in my case, and probably not in most other cases in GA.

I don’t think envy is all that common in GA – unless somebody turns up looking very “expensive” in the “wrong” situation (e.g. a load of people scraping out the bottom of the barrel) and really rubs it in.

Obviously I agree that somebody criticising a product should post some details… but, hey, if I wrote that every time somebody posts something so brief as to have almost no informational value, people would get a bit p2ssed off

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Once again USFlyer, you are making [wrong] assumptions based on what little you actually know about the contributors at large on EuroGA.

Is it perhaps because you have never actually met any of us since you are obviously (based on the pseudo since you do not disclose, but that’s another subject…) based state-side ?


My observations are not directed at anyone in particular and are just personal opinion. Formed not just from commentary on this board, but on all the aviation boards.

The Cirrus attacks are usually the same – plastic airplane, silly parachute needed for those that can’t emergency land a plane, overpriced, prone to mechanical trouble, tail strike prone, Doctor Killers (the implication is low time pilot with more money than skill), drag-prone fixed gear, video game avionics (glass panel)….and there is never a link or chunk of data offered by those critics to back-up their contentions.

So, my take is they are either just repeating myth, or they are envious of a great product that is yes, out of reach for most.

Last Edited by USFlyer at 07 Dec 17:51

USFlyer wrote:

The Cirrus attacks are usually the same – plastic airplane, silly parachute needed for those that can’t emergency land a plane, overpriced, prone to mechanical trouble, tail strike prone, Doctor Killers (the implication is low time pilot with more money than skill), drag-prone fixed gear, video game avionics (glass panel)….and there is never a link or chunk of data offered by those critics to back-up their contentions.

I do not think that is the case on EuroGA.

Some Cirrus owners are however extremely defensive, emotional, and very narrow minded (no other airplane is worthwhile other than the Cirrus), which spurs some of us that are somewhat more neutral to rattle their cages just for the fun of it, yours truly included.

Last Edited by Aviathor at 07 Dec 19:03

A “defensive, emotional and narrow minded” Cirrus owner? I have never seen one. The Cirrus owners I know love their planes just as other brand owners love their planes.

Last Edited by USFlyer at 07 Dec 20:54

@USFlyer can you please keep any chips you might have on the shoulder to the other places you visit.

EuroGA is a nice polite friendly place (so don’t mix it up with others). Let’s keep it that way.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

The Cirrus is a plane. It has plus points and minus points. It is successful but not really exceptional enough to justify the tremendous amount of “Cirrus Talk” that takes place.

I think some are far too willing to criticise it and some are far too touchy about any criticism.

Can we please stop obsessing about it on both sides of the argument.

EGTK Oxford
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