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Which countries allow private strips / operating from your own land, and how hard is it to organise (and airfields for sale)

I must be missing something but that advert is just a nice and very secluded house. No indication of a runway nearby

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Nothing a couple of determined people can’t fix! That house comes with enough space to carve one, for sure. (there is an airpark for sale,, but I’m not super fond of the location)

Last Edited by wleferrand at 20 Oct 15:24

Two houses with strips for sale in southern England at the moment:

Last Edited by Joe-fbs at 21 Oct 11:32
strip near EGGW

Looking at the first of those on google maps, satellite image, there is no obvious runway. The second one has a nice runway and hangars and it is very interesting they have a full planning permission (maybe it is just a statement of lawful use, but that’s a similar thing in practice).

Both will appeal to people who think the house+location is worth the 1.5M or so.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
Looking at the first of those on google maps, satellite image, there is no obvious runway.

This might help

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

@wleferrand : did you check out the property for sale in the last issue of Info Pilote ?
A big house with an existing hangar and strip for ultralights.
It is near Amiens.

LFOU, France

@Jujupilote merci, I sent them an email and just got a reply. The grass strip is 420m long. That’s a bit short isn’t it? (The seller sent me a picture of the place but for some reason I can’t upload a picture)

(ha, renaming the file did it. euroga doesn’t like accents in the filename)

A bit short indeed, and the runway doesn’t seem extendable with roads on both sides.
Still a nice property for STOL owners.

Last Edited by Jujupilote at 06 Nov 11:45
LFOU, France

wleferrand wrote:

The grass strip is 420m long. That’s a bit short isn’t it?

Depends on what plane you want to use it with. The end towards the bottom of the picture looks quite obstacle free, the other end however has some trees. For a STOL capable plane it should be more than enough, I suppose it could even take a PC12 and certainly an AN2. 420m is a bit tight for some single engine planes, but there are some which have good take off and landing distances. Most PA28-180 or 235 should be capable.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland
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