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May 2014 EuroGA fly-in Mali Losinj LDLO

True .. But for example lubljana is still verymuch in the Alps regio. As it looks now the real bad weather will pass on friday. I would prefer to be mire south by then and to approach LDLo later in the day fron the south.

Should you need to remain VFR, this is possible even in marginal conditions from LJPZ to LDLO. You are well clear from the Alps in Portoroz. Lubjana is different, and you still have to clear the coastal ranges towards Portoroz/Pula/Rijeka/Losinj.

In my experience in this area, there is hardly a difference in local weather between – say – Losinj, Pula, and Split and only a very limited difference between Losinj and Portoroz. The real differences start further north and inland.

Last Edited by blueline at 22 May 06:41
LOAN Wiener Neustadt Ost, Austria


UK Met Office

They are directly opposite on the H versus L…

My plan is to fly tomorrow 0700Z departure, direct. The MSLP looks like a lot of scattered muck which can usually be flown above at about FL180-200.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
The MSLP looks like a lot of scattered muck which can usually be flown above at about FL180-200.

Our model has a slightly different view.

The only truth will be the IR image on the day.

How does your compare on the cloud tops for e.g. today’s data?

There is some FL300 stuff directly south of the UK, and a band of ~FL150-180 stuff across the border of France and Belgium.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Feel free to play with it.

@blueline Portoroz doesn’t cut it today for me due to opening hours; I cannot fly directly to Pula as our border police only allows us to fly directly to what they consider to be the schengen area (a major PITA for flights to Croatia or the UK), and the other alternatives like Klagenfurt or even Innsbruck are even more in the Alps.

Anyway, all weather sources I’ve seen make me believe it won’t be any difficult tomorrow (or this evening).

LSZK, Switzerland

I get a different pic for above route

Looks better! BTW the PDF hangs my Canon and HP printer drivers. It says “flattening” and gets stuck at 5%

As an accountant would say: cash is what matters; everything else is conjecture

Last Edited by Peter at 22 May 09:25
Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I have just emailed all known fly-in pilots with my mobile number.

I used BCC which is a spam magnet so if you didn’t get it, check your spam box

I didn’t email those I know already have it.

I’d suggest meeting up by the dolphin fountain in the main square, say 6pm local time, Friday.

But I am sure we will bump into each other before that. As the old joke goes… you are at a party of 100 people and one of them is a pilot… how do you find him? Answer: you don’t – he will find you

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

WarleyAir has just landed at LDLO.

VFR all the way from the UK!

Brilliant work, I would say.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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