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A student pilot says "Hello EuroGA"

MedEwok wrote:

Good point. I always carry a Swiss Army Knife with me, I guess I better leave that at home for this trip…

AFAIK in Germany the allowed limit is 6cm for the blade of a knife. Therefore the most typical Victorinox knife can be carried through security. Me too used to have one of them in my rucksack for ages. But after some colleagues got theirs confiscated in Belgium and France I leave it in the car. Instead I have a very small one now (mabye 4cm) which is still useful for some minor stuff and which gets through security everywhere.

And yes, Hannover is one of the most lightplane friendly big airport in Germany and nothing to worry about. For a quick lunch there is a small kiosk serving decent fries and Currywurst only a few hundred meters from the GA terminal (in the direction of the main terminal).

EDDS - Stuttgart

europaxs wrote:

MedEwok wrote:

After a break due to the birth of my daughter

Congratulations! You might be relieved, that I still manage to do some 50FH with two children

Indeed. Always good to hear that children and flying does not necessarily conflict :)

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

Airborne_Again wrote:

most likely you will be told to use runway 09R or 27L.

I mean 09L or 27R!! The northern runway.

Last Edited by Airborne_Again at 16 May 14:20
ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

MedEwok wrote:

Do I need to specifically ask for clearance or do I just stop and wait until they clear me to cross

They will either tell you to hold short or cleared to cross but just in case, if not cleared do not cross.

EGTK Oxford

MedEwok wrote:

After a break due to the birth of my daughter

Hey, congratulations!!

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Mooney_Driver wrote:

Hey, congratulations!!

Thanks! I am very proud to have two wonderful children now.
If you go by the typical “life achievement” list of what a man should do have done in his life, it reads like

  • plant a tree
  • get a good job
  • marry a beautiful wife
  • have kids
  • build a house

I have ticked four of five already at age 31. The house will be taken care of in due time, no need to rush things as the German rental market is extremely good for renters unlike in other countries (e.g. the UK).

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

So tomorrow I will have another go at the 150 nm triangle solo.
Leer-Papenburg EDWF to Diepholz ETND to Rotenburg/Wümme EDXQ and back to EDWF. 171 nm total.

This time it looks like the weather will finally allow me to go ahead:

TAF EDDW 161700Z 1618/1718 16006KT CAVOK=

I’ll be reporting tomorrow how it was…

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

Good luck with your QXC today MedEwok! Fingers x’d for CAVOK for you…

UK, United Kingdom

marry a beautiful wife

What a quaint notion!

Of course, I know your wife is beautiful AND intelligent, so you’re a doubly lucky guy…


Cross country flight was a success. Weather wasn’t CAVOK but almost so it made little difference. Wind was a single digit crosswind from the south. The only thing the gave me trouble were the thermics, bumping my VLA up and down like a bouncing ball. And the heat. OAT was 30°C on the ground in ETND, still 20°C at 3000 ft. There was a lot of traffic in the air, I was given traffic advise thrice by FIS and spotted all three, although one of them only when they were past me.

In the end I was a little exhausted but also proud for having done it. My instructor wants to sign me up for the check ride now.

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany
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