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SR22 operating costs (and is the 10-year BRS re-pack mandatory under EASA)

After posting my numbers hoping to compare costs the thread has strangely gone quiet.


C210_Flyer wrote:

After posting my numbers hoping to compare costs the thread has strangely gone quiet.

It is a very strange fact of life that truth and transparency generally spoils a good story….I will review and come back with mine :

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

Yes, C-210. But the reason is not that I won’t share all my numbers. Actually I sent the complete Excel sheet with all (honest) numbers to at least 20 people i have never met in the last year and who are interested in these numbers.

It has more to do with the style and tone of this discussion. At one point you have to decide if you really need to convince everybody in your life. I have decided, I don’t ;-)

Last Edited by Flyer59 at 25 Nov 10:16

I wouldnt take it too seriously. Its hard I know but its still worth a try.

So post your excel figures and hopefully with a few others we can see where we stand. Ive been told which I have found to e the truth at least in my case that you can go 5 yrs without too much maintenance expense then the next 5 your running between the shop and the bank. Im on year 4 of the latter.

Of course I can understand peoples reluctance if the wife has access to this site and views it regularly.


My latest on the Bonanza – Last flew 27th October 2014. Since then

New ruddervators – US11960.00, freight and duty-£4320.60, Rigging tool- Hire US100.00, Freight and Duty-£1850.00, Annual and the ruddervator removal and fitting, £TBC – but circa £6000.00. Hours in the air – zero. It has to be a labour of love. And in between bought my Super Cub, Dear God I must need my head examined.

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

Of course I can understand peoples reluctance if the wife has access to this site and views it regularly.

You just have to have the right wife. Mine, and I mean it, couldn’t care less. She does the tax anyway and sees every bill ;-) As long as I fly often enough and come home happy, she thinks it’s a very good investment

Flyer59 wrote:

You just have to have the right wife. Mine, and I mean it, couldn’t care less. She does the tax anyway and sees every bill ;-) As long as I fly often enough and come home happy, she thinks it’s a very good investment

Is she from Saudi Arabia or Brazil?


No, she is German, actually more German than me. But she’s a free spirit, completely free of envy.

Why Saudi Arabia or Brazil? Because she couldn’t read the bills if she was? ;-)

BeechBaby wrote:

BeechBaby 25-Nov-15 11:15 #105
My latest on the Bonanza – Last flew 27th October 2014. Since then

New ruddervators – US11960.00, freight and duty-£4320.60, Rigging tool- Hire US100.00, Freight and Duty-£1850.00, Annual and the ruddervator removal and fitting, £TBC – but circa £6000.00. Hours in the air – zero. It has to be a labour of love. And in between bought my Super Cub, Dear God I must need my head examined.

Ouch,…. double ouch,…… make that……. triple ouch. >$20,000 for per 0 flight hours. Thats more expensive per nm than the Concord or the SR 71.

My friend in the US had it done as well. I will be speaking to him either today or tomorrow will report back with findings. Actually he just called he had the trim tab done about $6K. So yours is the elevators correct?


Flyer I have it in my head that they are obedient. But I could be wrong!

My girlfriend, who is German, could care less as long as I pay for it.

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