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Prop Damage

Usually, apparently silly issues like this are a manifestation of the parties concerned not talking to each other.

The reason for that is in turn something else.

In student accommodation it is often found that nobody wants to clean the toilet, or buy food used by all.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Michael wrote:

Why ?

What’s the percieved risk or problem here ?

IMO, there is none.

- Stress fractures
- Imbalance due to the large amount of metal removed to smooth it out (4-10 times the depth of the blade, in length)
- Reduced performance
- Vibrations

The only “saving grace” would be that the nick is not quite in the area of the blade that is prone to the most stress during operation (approx. 1/3 down the blade I am told).

Peter wrote:

Prop nick dressing is not legally within pilot maintenance privileges.

Correct. Aside from the practices you describe it is also important to never file across (perpendicular to) the blade, but always length wise along the leading edge. Or so I am told.

Archie wrote:

The only “saving grace” would be that the nick is not quite in the area of the blade that is prone to the most stress during operation (approx. 1/3 down the blade I am told).

AC 42.13 has this graph

IMO this damage is easily fixed by anyone who knows how to. More like a crack in the paint.

The elephant is the circulation
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