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Poll : who flies in his (her) own aircraft?

I fly a Cessna P210N Silver Eagle. It's my 3rd one after a Speed Canard and a T-Arrow.


I currently hire a C150.

About to compete a checkride on a PA28 Warrior and a Eurostar, and shortly after a few more hours an SR20 and an C172 which I think I will do my IMC on as the C150 has no Nav Aids since the VOR has ceased to function.

All of which I will be able to then hire by the hour wet


Hire. Sometimes at commercial rates, sometimes at reduced. Few times I had flown for free, just as exchange to being safety pilot and mentor for the other leg. Owning a plane would be nice, but out of question for at least some years.


I've owned a TB20GT since 2002

1 plane + 1 woman = happiness

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

1 plane + 1 woman = happiness

You can place even more happiness on the back seats. I chose the TR182 because it has all the bells and whistles of a complex aircraft but is also very large and carries a full family plus 7h of fuel, a baby bed, stroller and luggage for 2 weeks. With the C210 and the Grand Caravan, your family planning is almost without limits as a Cessna customer. All you have to know is 65 knots in final.

Mine is also owned, a Cessna R172K. Very fortunate to have private airfield also. Trained on Cessna and have never bought anything else or even wanted to (well not in my price range anyway).

UK, United Kingdom

I fly a rented Piper Arrow II.

It belong to a club, though it's probably more like a large group.

There are about 15-20 of us in it, but only maybe 5 of use who fly anyway regularly.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

Have flown Jodel 1050 as a group member since 1990. Occasionally hire - Pa28/38, C150/152/172. Have flown Jackeroo and Chipmunk, but have no desire to do so again. Thinking of buying something as sole owner.

EGPE, United Kingdom

I own now a 66 Bonanza V35. I started ownership with a 84 TMG Valentin Taifun 17E and moved on to something faster a 78 M20J fantastic aircraft glides also well btw....


I am self-employed and my microlight is actually owned by my own company, though I'm not sure how long that scheme can be kept up. Have considered inviting a second owner to it, because it's a shame to see the little bird passing so many idle hours in the hangar, but don't really like the idea.

Like Achimha, I spend my working days behind a computer screen, though only exceptionally fior 14 hours - I can and will work that long, but can't keep up efficiency. I do have the luxury of occasionally visiting a data centre so that I know what the machines look like that I work upon.

Flying the little craft is wonderful, but working on it is one more very nice way to change my thoughts. And the greatest luxury I have, as an aviator, is a whole gang of like-minded people, who are always available for advice or discussion or a helping hand.

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium
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