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Alexis wrote:

Are you really serious?

95% serious, yes.

Here is something worth taking a look at, if you’re open to new ideas….
Flies in the face of 100 years of physics, but apparently models things quite nicely.

Plenty of scientists doing to this guy what they did to Galileo… (oh right, scientists would never do that, only dogmatic individuals who tell everyone how everything should work would do such a thing.)

If he’s wrong, who cares? He wasted his life. If he’s right, nearly the entire ‘scientific’ community will owe him an apology and he’ll both win awards and potentially be the richest man on earth.
Yeah, he’s a scientist, he just has other ways of looking at things.

I don’t care about Homeopathy, and it isn’t even a word used in the US much. It is mainly a European thing from my experience. In fact I know a few PhD’s here who use it in addition to traditional medicine.

What I care about is people who try to dictate what others (who aren’t hurting anyone) get to do.

The Pharmaceutical industry is killing tons of kids each year with crap like Prozac and similar toxins that do absolutely no good whatsoever. I’d say that’s pretty crackers. Despite massive, compelling, overwhelming evidence that it is harmful, these scientists and doctors keep pumping kids with this poison.

What’s the diff?

On one side, they believe it will help and theoretically, it shouldn’t.
On the other, they believe it will help, and it most definitely does the opposite…

I don’t see how option B is better than option A.

Last Edited by AF at 22 Jun 19:47

Mooney_Driver wrote:

They are very free in what they produce and the money comes in anyhow as they are on state budget.

Valid point.
I certainly don’t mean to imply that all research is purchased.

There is a lot of pressure at the top from the researches I’ve spoken with.
One, an immigrant to the US from Germany, told me that if he were to write a relevant paper on a massive natural disaster (that had just occurred) he would be competing against the other 30 experts in his field, and only 1 paper on the subject would get published.

That’s intense. It was literally in that moment (plus one other) that I decided not to pursue a Professional Researcher career path… :)

With pressure like that, it is perfectly understandable why good researchers dabble in the harem…

Last Edited by AF at 22 Jun 19:47

I only read the headline, sorry :-) Stephen Hawking is not sure, if something like black matter exists. It is a theory that would help explain the world, but there is no proof, yet, that it exists.

The Pharmaceutical industry is killing tons of kids each year with crap like Prozac and similar toxins that do absolutely no good whatsoever. I’d say that’s pretty crackers. Despite massive, compelling, overwhelming evidence that it is harmful, these scientists and doctors keep pumping kids with this poison.

That’s incorrect. Prozac and the like are drugs that can help people, and they do. It is not the responsibility of the scientist who develops medicine if doctors later prescribe it the right way. You could just as well say “Food is killing thousands of kids in the USA every year”. Well, somebody has to explain them that drinking one gallon of soda every day makes you fat.

But I think the discussion leads too far for this place. Here’s a clip by James Randi, one of my favourite critics of homeopathy. For 20 years now JR has offered one million dollar in cash to anybody who can scientifically correct prove that any homeopathic remedy has ANY effect. Nobody has ever even applied …

Dark matter / dark energy seems to exist allright – according to a cosmology book I am reading presently. The problem is that nobody currently knows of a way to interact with this stuff, let alone in a way substantial enough to do anything useful.

Cold fusion works too, but generates so little power it can’t be even measured.

It may well be that one day a way will be found to interact with gravity and if/when that happens it will be the biggest discovery for a century. I recall a very clever guy from when I was at univ, 1970s, who said some experiments have been done which yielded strange results where something got ~ 2% lighter, but they were later disproved. Nobody has found anything… it is easy to mess with gravity if you can get large masses (like the earth) but that’s not practical.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

A final post about homeopathy from my side. These are some h. remedies I bought when I was researching the matter for my book. On and off I spent three years collecting imformation and data and readings books … and finally, before I even tried to sell the book to a publisher, I lost interest, becasue it is such a depressing topic…


From left to right: Dogshit C200 (fluid), Coffee C200 (homeopathic sleeping pills), Positronium C200 (Positronium is a short lived atom that was found by an american scientist …), … Aqua dest. C200, and two of my favourites: Luna C200 (Moonlight from 1987, dilluted 200 times) and Eurocent C200 (probably very popular in the UK ;-))

In the foreground you see how many of these tiny sugar pills which are all absolutely chemically identical (pure sugar) are in one box. Each pill is about 1/3 mm, cost about € 10 for one container. Now THAT is a good business, isn’t it? And homeopaths talk about the margins of the pharmaceutical industry!

Last Edited by at 22 Jun 20:16

Yes, I know that there are some indications that black matter exists, But when I called the Remedia company and asked the chief chemist HOW THEY DILLUTE black matter, he put down the phone …

Alexis wrote:

when I called the Remedia company and asked the chief chemist HOW THEY DILLUTE black matter, he put down the phone

Ah man, that’s disappointing. I would have loved to have heard the response. :)
Dogshit C200 is epic. I can easily see a comedian doing a whole skit on this.
Thanks for posting, gave me a good laugh!

I have some more in some old box … you will not believe what these people invent: Mobile phone radiation on sugar pills, for example, Nokia, Apple and Siemens were available :-)

I’ll bring you the dogshit medicine to L.A. :-)

AF wrote:

One, an immigrant to the US from Germany, told me that if he were to write a relevant paper on a massive natural disaster (that had just occurred) he would be competing against the other 30 experts in his field, and only 1 paper on the subject would get published.

Figures. Where was that, in Germany or in the US? Was that why he emigrated?

I am very often at odds with people who have university diplomas and therefore carry the monopoly on the term scientist. They do know how to write a scientific paper better than anyone else, but that would not preclude someone who for whatever reason has never had the chance to study to formulate a valid theory. All it prevents him from doing unless he reads up on it is to formulate it in a way acceptable to the big boo-pahs, which is why he might as well print it on rolls.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Mooney_Driver wrote:

I am very often at odds with people who have university diplomas and therefore carry the monopoly on the term scientist.

The business and financial interest of a university (whether private or public) is to hold the franchise for distribution of knowledge, and sell a license called a degree. The business interest of government is to control opinions and information. It takes about 10 seconds to see how ‘usefully’ the two can collaborate. I think frustration with that situation is what causes people to adopt or admire irrational pseudo-science – it’s a form of rebellion, and on that basis (although not on any other) it makes sense to me.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 22 Jun 21:17
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