I have just been to http://www.schaircraft.com/
and it contains
and clicking on that takes you to http://www.dpetest.com/
which shows
So this appears to be the end of Captain Thomas Hughston DPE, after many colourful years, since around 2005. He still appears to do flight training.
No more 61.75 piggyback licenses outside the UK, too.
Significantly, despite this being almost a year old, it has not really hit the GA social media (apart from a recent claim on FB that you can do it) which shows how few people are now going to the N-reg route. EASA and the national CAAs must be delighted
The end of an era which IME spanned 20 years – papers moving TB20 to N-reg. A route on which I met more colourful characters than I could talk about over a day’s beer
I held an original FAA licence but when I looked into upgrading the licence in the UK, it was actually cheaper to go Stateside and have it done in a few days at one of the integrated schools, albeit as a modular course.
For sure it would have been cheaper.
I did the FAA PPL here in 2004, for $1000, and the FAA CPL here in 2008 with almost the last DPE allowed to come over to the UK (a guy from Wichita) before they were stopped, reportedly by telling the Home Office a bogus story about them needing a working visa (discussed previously).
When I said “colourful” I meant it
This refers.
Unfortunately the big integrated schools are 100% integrated these days, so going Stateside requires some DIY ingenuity finding an instructor, getting security clearance fir a orofessional pilot course, getting an invigilated ground exam center, airplane and DPE. When I did it, it was a very smooth, turnkey operation.
The curse of the obstacle strewn paper chase course is pretty well universal … hopefully the few modular schools in central Europe might spot an opportunity and get a local DPE :)
The main problem was that to get the M1 visa the school had to be a part 141 school – details here and I know some of that is out of date but the main bits are still the same.
A Part 61 school is fine but in theory you can’t go to a US Part 61 school because you won’t have a visa. I know people who just went there on a holiday and did the whole lot including the ATP that way, but that was about 15 years ago, and it required a small “mom and pop” school which didn’t know the regs I would expect US schools to know the regs today.
You can also interpret the regs to quite a far extent to enable doing just a bit out there and then the checkride, without needing TSA or Visa. A lot of people have done that. We have a few threads here on how far you can push that, and obviously opinions vary (there was a general 18hr/week allowance, IIRC) but you have to get the school to play ball first.
However this change is just one of a series of changes which have made N-reg more and more difficult over time. I am sure many Europeans see this as a good thing but the reality has been for decades that N-regs were the most experienced flyers doing the most hours, and hitting that community will have a net negative effect on GA, despite the elitists in Europe seeing “European everything” as the right solution. I get a lot of criticism for flying an N-reg and speaking positively about it…
I would expect US schools to know the regs today.
Post 9/11 no way Jose will they take a foreign national without TSA clearance
Many did.
Andrewsfield might be a good route to organise professional licence training in tge USA these days?