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GRAMET (merged thread)

Can`t get GRAMET via TELEGRAM App

I don`t know if it`s problem with my account or with Telegram app, but I can`t get GRAMET message on TELEGRAM. I tried with Android and iOS on phone and iPad , Telegram acnowleges my request and sends nothing back. All other requests work fine.As I remember, it started some days ago when Telegram requested positon report for GRAMET NEAR, which was send from Android device (LG phone) from that point I can`t get any answer for request started with “gramet” word. Is it something with app or I messed something with my Telegram account? BTW on my autorouter account gramet works fine.


For me GRAMET via the Telegram bot still works fine. I suggest that you contact autorouter with a support request after logging in to your account.

The two people behind this service, Achim and Tom, seem to be no longer on EuroGA (don’t really know why but people come and go) so you need to contact them directly somehow.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Resolved by Achim


Error message on Autorouter/GRAMET

Like many others I find GRAMET an excellent tool for flight planning. Yesterday, flying down from Scotland to London, I took the east coast route to provide an escape below the freezing level, rather than the slightly shorter west coast route which is over the mountains of the Lake District and the Pennines. The surface pressure chart was showing an occluded front over the UK Midlands and the sig wx was showing moderate icing and turbulence. However the GRAMET showed a nice band of clear blue from around FL100 up to FL200 or so, and guess what? That’s what there was. Thanks again, GRAMET

However, today I can’t get a GRAMET as there is an error message next to the CAPTCHA: ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key

And the “contact” page of Autorouter has the same error… Achim?


p.s. flew into Denham, great little VFR airfield, friendly welcome and GBP 15 for landing and parking for the day. You can’t even park your car in central London for that


What I have been observing for a while now is that the URL no longer is It seems to me like the Autorouter folks are encouraging users to migrate to a Autorouter account instead of the EuroGA account.

In any event I just logged in and got a GRAMET just fine


Observe as well that now resolves to


Thanks for the heads-up @NeilC!

Just today we started to migrate from the domain name to the more appropriate and the captcha wasn’t configured for that domain yet. The problem should now be fixed.

You can still logon with and use the same account. Just for technical reasons the displayed domain name will change after login. While it may not be directly visible, the whole web interface is currently being rewritten using more modern technology.

When I enter in the address bar, I am to before even being offered to log in.

Then I press the login b and get the login screen where I enter EuroGA credentials (e-mail and password). Then it tells me I am a EuroGA user and offers to login via EuroGA or convert to a “native” autorouter account.

Nice to see you back on EuroGA, @achimha

Last Edited by Aviathor at 03 Mar 19:16

Aviathor wrote:

When I enter in the address bar, I am to before even being offered to log in.

Then I press the login b and get the login screen where I enter EuroGA credentials (e-mail and password). Then it tells me I am a EuroGA user and offers to login via EuroGA or convert to a “native” autorouter account.

Yes, that is correct. It works but it is slightly less convenient than before. For technical reasons it had to be changed as the new platform is a “proper” web app in the single page application (SPA) fashion and no longer uses traditional session management using cookies. Before, every page request was handled by a dynamic server system which could do all kinds of magic on the fly such as providing the “dual identity”. Now the browser essentially downloads an application bundle at startup which executes locally. All not relevant for end users but hopefully illustrates why the workflow had to be changed slightly.

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