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Another icing forecast site


This is one of the many free Jepp weather pages which have been around for years. The data is sure to be GFS based. The data has been accessible for free via the old Flitestar flight planning program, too.

May be of interest…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I get that with my RR flight planner. Have not had too much experience with it. Anyone find it accurate?


In my experience, the RR ice briefing is seriously pessimistic.

Personally, I use Gramet and the JEPP site that is the subject of this thread.


RR includes both Gramet and the Jepp icing forecast in the wx section. Then they also include their forecast in the Briefing pack.

So anyone find them accurate?


I always assume IMC between 0C and about -15C will produce ice accretion sooner or later, and at least 90% of the time I am proved right.

So, for me, this comes down to forecasting the vertical extent of IMC – both stratified and convective. And no model I know of does this with any reliability.

So this becomes a game which is played out tactically during the flight, following an assessment of the general wx situation before departing. One tries to achieve and maintain VMC on top.

Others have different experiences…

However, one important thing which is usually missing in peoples’ accounts of icing encounters is the type of aircraft they are flying. If you are flying at 200-250kt TAS, there will be significant aerodynamic heating which will provide significant ice protection, by in effect narrowing the above 15C-wide temperature band. If you can achieve about 350kt TAS, you will never ice up, in any IMC other than seriously convective stuff.

I think that anybody who flies a non-deiced aircraft in IMC between 0 and -15C, without an escape route (usually a descent into warm air, and above the MSA) and relying on a forecast of no ice, is going to get themselves killed. And flying an aircraft which can become uncontrollable with a few mm of icing will get you killed even quicker.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Just come across this thread, and the site is still live!

Has anyone been using it?

The DWD icing site is perhaps more popular (in Germany, at least, although it covers all of Europe) but is behind a paywall.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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