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Flight plan (multiple landings) question

Vladimir wrote:

You are legal to fly VFR night approaches with passengers as long as your IFR rating is valid, even a VFR approach on a NVFR flight plan.

That’s correct. Since EASA the 90 day rule for night approaches must no longer be observed as long as one holds a valid IR rating (FCL.060). (My mistake above, I still keep mixing old and new rules…)

EDDS - Stuttgart

Yes, my understanding is with my JAA/EASA IR, I could, if I wanted:
- fly only VFR
- never do any approaches
- never fly at night
But I would still legally be allowed to take passengers at night, on a pure VFR flight, without instrument approaches, if I wanted to.

Yes that is 100% correct, and it doesn’t make sense, but as I said, it was a patch for some hole in badly drafted regs.

The other thing is that you get all this with just one IFR flight per year – the revalidation flight. FAA IR holders using the 6/6 rolling currency are likely to be much more current, though that opinion will be skewed by most FAA IR holders owning their planes, whereas a lot of EASA IR holders got the IR and then they rent.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

whereas a lot of EASA IR holders got the IR and then they rent.

That’s my case, although I would easily be current on the 6/6 rolling currency rule. Maybe it means I must buy a plane :)

Yes it means exactly that (a subtle hint)

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

The other thing is that you get all this with just one IFR flight per year – the revalidation flight.

Yes, with one exception: To carry passengers, the 90 day rule always applies. But it doesn’t matter any longer if these three takeoffs and landings are made under VFR or IFR, day or night. And one more: The 90 day rule must be observed for every class and type flown, there is no cross-credit.

Last Edited by what_next at 26 Oct 09:59
EDDS - Stuttgart

My problem, if indeed it is a problem, is no IR

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

Peter_Mundy wrote:

My problem, if indeed it is a problem, is no IR

So three takeoffs and landings at night for you There are worse things to do than that.

EDDS - Stuttgart

what_next wrote:

Peter_Mundy wrote:
My problem, if indeed it is a problem, is no IR
So three takeoffs and landings at night for you

Three takeoffs and landings but only one has to be night. At least as far as I can recall.

Last Edited by Vladimir at 26 Oct 10:36
LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

Irrespective of whether one has an EASA IR or not, if one hasn’t flown night for a while then surely a good idea to get up and practice night landings?! You can’t practice too much and re-familiarising oneself with the differences of night flying is prudent and sensible.



EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands
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