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@europax, yes I do confirm… a homebuilt is absolutely useless for international flying, and you cannot fly IFR with one, QED 🤣
@Ibra, of course, I used the whole of the 3’500m, and also the 45m width, since I pay for it. Came in from Granada LEGR, friendly and affordable but complicated (and hot) place…

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

@Europaxs, irony travels poorly on the internet, and in the interest of promoting Annex 1 to new people on EuroGA you might like to make fewer such statements.

It depends on the detail; Annex 1 is generally difficult in Europe in circumstances requiring IFR, high altitude (Mode S mandatory), permits, etc. So aircraft such as the Lancair Evolution – a PT6 turboprop which is great in the US – are much less useful in Europe. I recommend you to review the Evolution threads where the various matters are discussed in a constructive manner. Also check out the SFC (specific fuel consumption) of a PT6 at low altitudes. There are unsurprisingly very few (only 2 or 3) flying in Europe.

Dan flies an RV.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

irony travels poorly on the internet, and in the interest of promoting Annex 1 to new people on EuroGA you might like to make fewer such statements.

I was thinking, that anyone beeing on EuroGA for more than a week was perfectly aware who’s leg I was pulling…


today’s pic… refueling at GMMI

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

okok, one more… Essaouira city 😎

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Nice 😀

EDFM (Mannheim), Germany

Dan wrote:

Dan18-Jun-24 22:02941
today’s pic… refueling at GMMI

Awesome adventure! Full report of Morocco when able, if you feel like it. Many thanks for this.

Did you check this establishment out btw:

europaxs wrote:

I was thinking, that anyone beeing on EuroGA for more than a week was perfectly aware who’s leg I was pulling…

They´ll get over it!

Last Edited by Yeager at 26 Jun 19:13
Socata Rallye MS.893E

Did you check this establishment out btw

Nope, but we sure found another good one, deciding factor being the availability of a certain beverage named after “white house” in Spanish language…

Back home, post maintenance test flight of the day took me meandering the Alps… GVA cleared me FL150 for:
Monta Rosa massif (the Sahara sand has not only been deposited on every corner of my ride, but on the snow of the Alps too)

Sempiternal Cervinia/Matterhorn/Cervinio

and the Gd Combin

Last Edited by Dan at 27 Jun 18:11
ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland


Private field, Mallorca, Spain

Awesome! That Mt Blanc pic looks like it was taken from about 18k feet?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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