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EuroGA fly-in - Venice Lido LIPV, 18/19 May 2019

Any views on Venice (Lido, on the island)?

According to this post we should be clear of the film festival. Yes, Venice is a crowded ripoff but we will be staying on the island, and people who want to see Venice city can pop over on the boat. I wonder if @AfricanEagle has any ideas for organisation? He was a great help on Elba

If we can fix this venue, I will run a mailing to remind everyone. Unfortunately most will not receive it because they haven’t ticked the option

EDIT: Telegram group created – joining link:

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Venice, help, organizational nightmare

1. I can look after contacts with airport authorities
2. I suggest hotels on the Lido, not in Venice itself. Most hotels are in walking distance.
3. Restaurant meeting is best on Lido.

Happy only when flying
Sabaudia airstrip LISB, Italy

I’m in! Can also offer my help in organizing!

LO__, Austria


Belgrade LYBE, Serbia

I live nearby . Glad if I can be of any help

Pegaso airstrip, Italy

Suggest 25. May

Bremen (EDWQ), Germany

+1 sounds like a great place for a fly in (and sightseeing).


Any particular reason for 25th May?

Normally we do the May meet-up in early May – presumably because a lot of people have their diary full of “kids stuff” in June. However the wx should be better in late May…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Sorry guys, I will probably stay out of this one. Some of the reasons:

  • On the other side of the Alps.
  • While I land on grass runways all the time, some can be of questionable quality, and this one doesn’t look promising on Google maps.
  • Pricey accommodation.

Searching for venice-lido shows a fair bit of accommodation. The prices are “central European” i.e. upwards of €100/night for a hotel.

Venice city itself would be outrageous.

I don’t like grass either (I have done lots of it but usually avoid it nowadays, due to the plane getting covered in muck) and normally this causes at least 1/3 cancellations on any fly-in, so let’s see what people say. Also a lot of hard runway airports cover the plane in muck, with Calvi being right at the top of the list, with SEPs being forced onto its sand apron.

Airb&b offers much better value and I can see a selection there but not so many. Also the hosts are liable to cancel your booking if it is short, and somebody offers them a longer one for the same dates

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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