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French Strikes - impact on GA IFR

Everybody has an accent we just think we don’t.


I generally do French ATC in English, even though I speak fluent French. I find their level of English generally pretty good, though for sure it is harder to understand than US ATC. (What a delight on my recent trip back to the US, working with US ATC, no having to concentrate on every sound). I do find I often miss the last part of a multi-part instruction.

When I’m VFR I generally do ATC with the various xxx Info in French, not sure why, maybe because most of the other pilots are speaking French.

LFMD, France

Are any ATC strikes likely this coming weekend (11th-14th August)?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I doubt of there will be a strike as half of them will be on holiday. Not to worry, just stick to your flight plan.🙃


half of them will be on holiday

So, another 2hr CTOT then

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I wouldn’t know about that I don’t normally het them other than CTOT when I ask for start up. Ie 15 minutes. I’ve obviously been lucky🙂


Just got a 1hr CTOT due to the “usual reason”

Might try to re-file with a VFR section. OTOH I can fly with it and it may shrink. Also there seem to be people looking out for this and you can get the same CTOT with VFR too (see previous threads). The AR may not be depicting the regions accurately. Moreover there is a “punishment algorithm” in Eurocontrol code for late filers (< 2hrs).

There is a worsening of the wx over the Alps as usual and the 1hr delay does not help at all.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

What has that got to do with French strikes?


Peter wrote:

Moreover there is a “punishment algorithm” in Eurocontrol code for late filers (< 2hrs).

The IPFS does not allocate slots until 3 hrs before EOBT. At that time it will allocate slots for every flight plan filed so far in a way that will give the minimum total delay. If you file less than 3 hrs before EOBT you will be allocated a slot given the capacity remaining which may give you a considerably greater delay.

Is this what you are referring to?

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

I got the 1hr CTOT 2hrs before EOBT.

Trying VFR via the affected region

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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