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Ad Hoc fly-ins

Telegram group for ad-hoc fly-ins:

This may be stating the obvious: if anyone wishes to do a quick meet-up somewhere, do feel free to post it in this forum section.

We have a number of new members on EuroGA, and some may not be aware there are a lot more meetups than the “big” ones listed at the top of this section

EDIT 7/2020: Telegram Group has been created. If you subscribe to it (and ensure notifications are enabled) you won’t miss out

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’d be keen to meet up – somewhere North of France to start with I guess as I’m really keen to expand my knowledge off flying into Europe this year!

EGSX North Weald, United Kingdom

Excellent idea! As a lot of my GA flying is ad hoc anyway (and quite a few other forum members as well) this could be a chance to meet forum members on unexpected night stops. Would make quite a difference to having dinner with the usual colleague(s)

EDDS - Stuttgart

Perhaps not really what Peter was hoping for but I’ll mention it anyway to kick things off, as this does at least have a defined date:

Sunday 23 April, a breakfast fly-in to EGHP Popham Airfield (which is grass). If you’d like to take part, PM me.

UK, United Kingdom

I’m departing for Guernsey (EGJB) this evening then on to Cannes (LFMD) tomorrow. Staying there until Easter Monday then return Coventry (EGBE). You can’t get any more ADHOC than that if anyone would like a meet up.


If anyone is at a loose end today, there’s spur of the moment gathering for lunch at Bute, around 1230 local.

Nice pub, with a well drained bowling green of a grass strip, about 500 m long. No obstacle on take-off.

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Anyone one fancy Quimper (LFRQ) at the weekend? Customs available May – Sept, PN24

Last Edited by Rob2701 at 04 May 07:27

@Rob2701 It’s a pitty, we are leaving tomorrow morning. Have been at LFRQ for one week now.

EDDS , Germany

I plan to do Guernsey EGJB tomorrow.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’ll fly from EBOS to EGJB for an improv meet up.

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