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Flight plan within France

Yes, that’s how it is supposed to be, see AIP local copy

EGTF, EGLK, United Kingdom

Example: Yesterday I filed EGKA-LFAT using and this was the generated addressing:


The last two are Bordeaux and Lille…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Most VFR flight plans should be delivered to the ARO office nearest the departure aerodrome as per specification in the AIP, which ARO office then distributes the flight plan to the enroute and destination sections and airports. Flights originating from the UK should be self-addressed by the pilot or by the flight plan service they are using. The distribution can be automated with a rules-distribution engine taking into account your route, the FIRs crossed and time of day/night of the flight.

It seems that Olivia is running beside other programs/system(s), used to register IFR and commercial flights. In France, if you are not using the Olivia system for VFR flight planning, your flight plan might go missing, while if you persist and tell the controller that it was filed and delivered through the AFTN system, the often all of a sudden find your flight plan after all.

Flying VFR in France can easily be done without a flight plan, but not at night. Flying on an IFR flight plan is a lot easier of course.

Last Edited by AeroPlus at 01 Dec 13:15
EDLE, Netherlands


Guillaume wrote:

The general international rule is that you should use the ARO of your departing field.

The general international rule is to read the flight plan addressing section of the AIP!

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

We had a holiday with several stops in France this summer.
I didn’t file flight plans except for the flight into Carcassonne.
As it’s sometimes busy with international flights and bigger than I’m used to, I thought it may help.
I’ve no idea if it made a difference, probably not, but it was extremely busy (3 of us simultaneously orbiting while downwind, just for starters).
Anyhoo, on 1st call he had our details and was busy but very relaxed on the radio.
1 less thing for me to think about in unfamiliar airspace, area, and terrain.
I’d do the same again for any large busy airfields.

United Kingdom


Would that be reversed i.e. LFOTZPZX (CIV) – LFOTXHAX (MIL)? When I used to do this stuff on AFPEX I sent everything to both xxxxZPZX and xxxxZTZX

The general international rule is that you should use the ARO of your departing field.

Indeed, though that breaks down in much of Europe, especially the UK, and it always did, quite often.

BTW Skydemon use EuroFPL.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

What wrote above is only valid for VFR FPL.
IFR FPL are computer processed, adressed and flight progression is monitored.
Basically yes.
There might be exception like additional military adressing in some rare cases.
For instance, Tour (LFOT) would require adressing to both civil and military unit according to AIP : LFOTZPZX (MIL) – LFOTXHAX (CIV)

The general international rule is that you should use the ARO of your departing field.
Skydemon, eurofpl, autourouter send their VFR FPL via AFTN to the main French central ARO (LFPBZPZX) where it is manually processed.

This sounds like a real person looks at the flight plans and decides where they’re sent..?

I always used to file flightplans by phone, but it got a bit harder a couple of years ago – I think some regional offices were closed and for international flights Le Bourget BRIA would say ring Bordeau, who would say to ring Le Bourget… I then used Olivia for a while, but it stopped accepting flights originating in the UK. I’ve never tried using fax or AFTN, but Skydemon on the ipad works well (at a small cost).

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

How is the “relevance” determined? Is it all enroute units along the filed route, plus the departure and destination?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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