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Eye / fingerprint scanning at all EU / Schengen border points, and will this affect GA travel

An article from Times newspaper

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

DavidC wrote:

I asked the immigration staff in the Netherlands when I landed there to enter the EU last month. (…) The current systems are wildly diverse and disfunctional. For example there are still plenty of places which want you to arrive with a paper GENDEC form despite having some sort of online portal where it might be entered beforehand.
Why? Because the Netherlands has exactly a very straightforward website called, which you can even use to file a GAR for the UK. Free of charge.

I’m not sure I take English newspaper articles are a basis for fact.
Yes France like all other EU and Schengen countries recognise that the new system is likely to cause delays.
France is also aware that people from all over the world are going to be arriving for the Olympics.
To deal with the Olympics special units of the police from other countries have been asked to attend..
But civil unrest? Who is actually going to be initiating this civil unrest?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Perhaps that’s why France has asked for a contingent of UK police to be here for the Oympics.
But I’m not sure that at POEs delays will call civil unrest. For a start Brits are known for good humoured queuing.
Yes I can accept that there will be a few who will sound off and get difficult. But rather than causing civil unrest such people are likely to be looked down on by the vast majority of polite and patient Brits. They are know for it and in many cases be supportive of the 9mm carrying police officers who would move in.😁


gallois wrote:

But civil unrest? Who is actually going to be initiating this civil unrest?

Civil unrest or the threat thereof has become a quite popular way of stirring fears of unpopular measures. Usually hot air.

Peter wrote:

This lot

and maybe “this lot” is why “controlling the borders” is not such a bad idea. That particular group has given many countries who have them unwarranted bad names. Maybe if they are kept out or at bay at least, they might finally get the message that such behaviour is not warranted under any circumstances?

gallois wrote:

For a start Brits are known for good humoured queuing.
Yes I can accept that there will be a few who will sound off and get difficult.

I recall that when the US started their ESTA system, a lot of people were predicting the end of civilized travel to the US. Well, actually, the opposite has happened. I vividly recall queuing up at JFK and other places for hours prior to ESTA but never again afterwards. Why? because most of the stuff the officers had to ask is now done prior to travel and done once and for all. Same with biometry and fingerprinting, once done it is there forever.

Apart, one of the most cumbersome and time consuming immigration experiences I’ve had in recent years was in LHR prior Brexit, a darn sight less convenient than the current US procedure. No idea how it is now, have not travelled to the UK since, but we now need passports again, so currently I would not be able to get in there anyhow. Funnily, when we crossed the land border to Turkey last month and back, ID was sufficient.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

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EKRK, Denmark
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