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Airports between Geneva and Lausanne

Correct that nr to +41 227177127 (thats 7 at the end), and you meet a very nice PPR coordinator. Slots are only required for commercial and charter. A PPR approval with an approximate arrival time is all that is required fro private GA. He also said that they are do give some slack on the arrival time if you are a bit late(he mentioned inside 1 hr)
Obtaining the slot was no problem.

Weather permitting at our departure aerodrome (VFR only), I guess it will be a flight to GVA then.


The number is still valid. There’s a free shuttle between the North and South apron every 15 minutes during weekdays.

I will give it a shot tomorrow.



I just had a look at my old email. I called +41 227177128 and got the slot there without being trapped by some handling agent. But I have no idea if the number is still valid.

Did you have to pay the handler anything for getting you the SLOT?

The short answer is I did not pay anybody for the slots. Back then I checked the availability and then I called somebody at the GAT who did it for me. When departing I had to get an earlier slot because we wanted to leave before our slot and the person on the desk did the change for me without any problems. Maybe one of the pilots based at LSGG has access to the system and can help you?

But the GAT is on the northern apron and when we landed there no taxi was waiting there. I don’t know if they offer some other service to transfer you to the south side of the airport.

If the price does not go through the roof I can only recommend LSGG with a full ILS, IFR departure etc. I first considered LSGP and I’m still happy I did not do it as it became a hot and high day…

There’s also a number you can call. I’ll look it up.

The access you are about to request is only granted to regular users of our Airport. If you are not operating on a regular basis, we will kindly ask you to contact one of our four Handling Agent in Geneva (ref. AIP Switzerland AD in order to get your PPR slot.
In any case you still have the possibility of checking the availability on a specific date and according to that, to adapt your flight program. In order to achieve this, click on the “Search” button.


Did you have to pay the handler anything for getting you the SLOT?

You can get the slots yourself here

LSZK, Switzerland

Did you have to pay the handler anything for getting you the SLOT?

Im just wondering of I should start rolling the ball now, even though its not a 100% we are going.


I just checked the slots for LSGG and except the first week end of the show there seem to be plenty of slots available. I went through a similar process a few years ago for a meeting and LSGG was not that bad after all. I remember paying something like 65 Euro for landing and parking.
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