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Is this a good charter offer (Mooney)

Aviathor wrote:

Installed O2 in a rental is just an ordeal. How will the owner bill for O2 usage? Or is it part of the lease? What if the owner hasn’t replenished the tanks? Is there an on-demand regulator on-board or would you need to buy your own? What about cannulas and fittings?

From my limited experience with the club 182, I let the mechanic know some time before the planned flight and he makes sure it’s replenished. The price list says oxygen comes at an extra cost, but I’ve never been billed for it. I bring my own Mountain High kit – don’t feel much like sniffing from other peoples’ cannulas anyway.

Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany

Unfortuantely these sort of questions are somewhat meaningless. The price for this aircraft anywhere other than within 100km of where you live is irrelevant. UK, France, Sweden, Spain all have different cost structures. Only someone who lives in your area can say if this is a good price for that part of Germany.

Good rental aircraft are also hard to find outside the C172/PA28 end so it is not exactly a liquid market.

Last Edited by JasonC at 29 Jan 23:28
EGTK Oxford

JasonC wrote:

The price for this aircraft anywhere other than within 100km of where you live is irrelevant. UK, France, Sweden, Spain all have different cost structures.

That is very true. Especially some of the fixed costs like hangarage may have a big impact on the hourly rate.

That said Patrick has previously posted what seems to me like some very good hourly rates for the airplanes he rents at Paderborn.

Good rental aircraft are also hard to find outside the C172/PA28 end so it is not exactly a liquid market.

Exactly. So in the end it comes down to what you are willing to pay.

Patrick wrote:

From my limited experience with the club 182, I let the mechanic know some time before the planned flight and he makes sure it’s replenished.

You are very lucky to have a club 182 with built-in oxygen! And of course if the operator has a dedicated mechanic or handling that can refill the oxygen and TKS systems, that’s really convenient. If you are renting directly from a private owner, that will mostly not be the case.

don’t feel much like sniffing from other peoples’ cannulas anyway

Cannulas are of course personal equipment. I was referring to the fact that there are different types of fittings depending on the installation.

Last Edited by Aviathor at 30 Jan 07:31

As a data point: A competitive rental company at my home base rents out a Piper Arrow Turbo for 295EUR / hr wet. Basic six avionics and no autopilot.

lenthamen wrote:

As a data point: A competitive rental company at my home base rents out a Piper Arrow Turbo for 295EUR / hr wet. Basic six avionics and no autopilot.

I understand that as of last week they are no longer renting out the Arrow.

Last Edited by Peter_Mundy at 30 Jan 09:30
EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands


here’s my two cents:

Do calculate 60lph. It’s a 270 hp turbo engine after all. Despite paying for the fuel separately, it doesn’t pay off to go slow.

So figure 140€ for fuel, so the total is 380€.

That is a lot of money but it’s not too expensive. Any big bore turbo SEP is in the 400€/h league, on a full cost basis. Flying a proper aircraft unfortunately doesn’t cost much less.

So, if it is well equipped, well cared for and has good availability, then it’s a decent offer. Also because, as has been said, there are very few good IFR tourers available for rent.

If you throw in a trip to the CI, or Serbia/Macedonia, or to Norway, you might get the hourly cost down to ~320€.

However, as long as you don’t have an IR, I think a Bravo is not the ideal aircraft.

Last Edited by boscomantico at 30 Jan 17:40
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Thanks everyone for their insights!

boscomantico wrote:

However, as long as you don’t have an IR, I think a Bravo is not the ideal aircraft

Here’s a reason to get my bum up, then…

Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany

Patrick wrote:

Here’s a reason to get my bum up, then…

In the paraphrased words of Inigo from the Princess Bride. I do not think that phrase means what you think it means.

EGTK Oxford

JasonC wrote:

I do not think that phrase means what you think it means.

That happens every now and then. Care to enlighten me?
Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany

I was just joking Patrick. Prob better to get your butt into gear and get that IR.

Last Edited by JasonC at 30 Jan 22:45
EGTK Oxford
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